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Bra » Parfait By Affinitas » Charlotte Padded Bra (6901) » 40HH » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length83.8
Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width20.3
Cup depth32.4
Depth ratio1.6
Wire length36.8
Cup height0.0
Cup separation1.9
Gore height11.4
Wing height15.9
Strap width2.5
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Used to fit

So ugly on me!
I CANNOT BELIEVE that I finally found a bra that fits, but can't keep it because it feels like the cups go up to my neck!
Drives me nuts!

But... I'm one step closer to my perfect bra!" alt=":)" />

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Feb 05, 2015 Flag this

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  • Show all comments (8)
  • That happens with a lot of people. The Parfait Charlotte is a tall bra, with tall cups that go up high in the armpits. It also has been known to run small in the band and cup, so you 40HH would be a 38HH in other brands.

  • 1

    I definitely don't recommend keeping a bra you find physically uncomfortable but this is in no way ugly on you. It looks great on this photo actually. Does it actually bother you physically (cuts into armpits etc.) or are you just not used to bras that actually contain all your boobs after years of wearing too-small cups?

    Also, I say this to everyone so I apologize for being a bore, but women who have been in badly-fitting bras for years usually have the habit of overtightening the straps (it's the only way to get any lift with a poorly-fitting bra). Sometimes people can try on a bra that has the potential to be very comfortable, but after doing their habitual "shorten straps to the max" thing this creates the false impression that the bra is uncomfortable. I always recommend that people who are new to the whole bra search thing loosen the straps a good 3-4" before assessing comfort.

  • 1

    I just recently got the same bra in the same colourway through a swap, and its taken a couple of wears for it to actually be fully comfortable. It is odd that the sides of the bra come up so high (takes some getting used to), but for me at least they kind of softened up and aren't terrible. But to second wendybien , don't wear anything that hurts! I've done that before and it was a bad, bad choice.

  • 2

    I had the same problem with my charlotte. I didn't wear it for months, even though I love how it looks. Someone on facebook recommended taking the gore in, and that actually fixed all the problems I had with it. Now the cups don't come up too far.

  • it doesn't hurt at all actually; it's very comfortable.
    I just don't feel good in it... like emotionally.
    What do u mean "taking in the gore?"

  • 1

    The first one on there. It's easier to sew it by hand.

    It will look like the second picture on the inside.

  • You don't feel good about it emotionally...? Meaning you don't think it's pretty on its own, or meaning you do not like what it does for your shape when you have clothes on? Does it create an east-west sort of wall-eyed appearance? Perhaps you need more deep-cut cups near the gore?

  • wendybien

    LOL "wall-eyed appearance". !

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Fit information

On Jan 2015

Underwire length:
Runs too high under the arm, it pokes
Top of the cup:
Cuts into breast tissue (quad boob effect)
Band fit:
I can fasten it, but it feels too tight

On Jan 2015 It fit her!

Bras that fitted her next to this