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Bra » Parfait By Affinitas » Sophia T-shirt Padded Bra (7416) » 30F » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band71.1
Band Length59.7
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width13.3
Cup depth24.1
Depth ratio1.8
Wire length26.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.5
Gore height7.0
Wing height9.2
Strap width1.3
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Didn't fit

Measurements for 30F, in inches:
Stretched Band: 28
Band Length: 23.5
Cup Width: 5.25
Cup Depth: 9.5 (right), 9 (left)
Wire Length: 10.25
Cup Separation: 1
Gore Height: 2.75
Wing Height: 3.625
Strap Width: 0.5
Hooks: 2

-The fabric is silky to the touch, feels nice against the skin.
-The combination of smooth and lace fabric adds a nice touch to keep it simple but elegant.
-Band runs smaller than normal - yet not small enough as it still rides up quite a bit on me.
-Lightly lined foam cups!!! They are not padded and will NOT add to your size. They measure 1/8" thick, 1/16" thick will still have modesty issues in this bra, but it will not feel bulky like padding.
-Boning in the wings.

-The right cup (when looking at it) was cut a half inch larger than the left, so the left cup depth is 9".
-On top of that, it was sewn poorly as you can see in the photo of the bra's gore. There are wrinkles and puckers on the smaller cup (left) as if it were stretched then bunched to make up for the extra fabric when easing this into the band.
-Cups have an unnatural pointy appearance along with curving in too much towards the body. They maintain this shape both on an off. Better suited to those with rock hard boobs. Soft tissue like mine will exaggerate this pointy shape.
-Underwires were squared at the gore, bent inwards so that you could feel the edge of the wire instead of the flat part against your skin.
-There should have been 3 rows of hooks & eyes for the size I ordered, but there were only 2. It wasn't really an issue since it would have ridden up regardless, but 3 would have been nice.

This is getting sent back without hesitation! The wires were so painful because they were bent in such an awkward way. They also looked like they could pop out of their casing at any moment, and since they could be felt very easily, I think they may have been inserted on the outer portion of the casing. The only reason I listed the gore as digging in was because the wires were doing that, it had nothing to do with the fit being too big or too small. The fabric itself was standing away because the band was still too loose for me. I don't know if I was shipped a bra that had the wires bent by another customer or if they were really supposed to be like that! I'm awaiting the Parfait Jeanie, so I'm hoping that one is a little better. If not, then I'm just going to have to stick with older Deco's from Freya.

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Sep 26, 2014 Flag this

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Fit information

On Sep 2014

Center gore comfort:
Underwires dig into sternum, because they are too high
Strap separation:
Are too far apart
Cups separation:
Too separate for my boobs
Band fit:
The back of the bra is not at the same level as the front (rides up)

This bra didn't fit her, but these did