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Bra » Panache » Alisha Support (6096) » 34GG » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band107.2
Band Length73.6
Stretch ratio1.5
Bust perimeter111.0
Cup width28.0
Cup depth31.2
Depth ratio1.1
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.2
Gore height12.0
Wing height9.8
Strap width1.8
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Didn't fit

I've been sleeping in this bra for a couple of weeks now. Between this and the other bras I've been trying in that time, I'm beginning to suspect I have narrow shoulders. Sleeping at night, this guy stabs me in the shoulders with it's straps. A lot. I quad in this like crazy, but weirdly it wrinkles and gapes in spots too. It can't seem to decide whether it wants to be too big or too small. The six columns of hooks are all well and good, but why only two rows?! Plus they itch and pinch and pull! It gives me crazy cleavage, but that also means a bit of boob sweat during the night which is sort of yuck. Overall I feel very MEH about this bra, and I'm super glad I got it for cheap on the listings here rather than paying full price for a new one.

Updated on Jan 02, 2015 Flag this

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  • Show all comments (16)
  • 1

    sounds like an anti-sleeping torture device! :o

  • 1

    Yeah, i'm wondering what you are looking for in a sleep bra? I only wore a bra to bed for a short while, when the pill was making my boobs really hurt. But i saw one woman saying she cant stand them touching each other. This thing doesnt look like it would accomplish much at all as a sleep bra?

  • 2

    I am honestly not very impressed by the wireless unpadded options from Panache and Freya. This design is not at all suited to a larger or heavier bust, or indeed even just a projected one like mine. If you really need to be supported for sleep I recommend the old fashioned, super cheap granny bras like the Playtex 18 Hour Original (See my profile) or the Triumph Doreen (available fairly cheaply on ebay from European retailers offloading past season colors). These designs are still sized vintage-style meaning you will probably need to size up in the band and size down in the cup. But they are super supportive and are built for comfort!

  • 2


    So I shouldn't mention that I sleep in a corset then...? ;)

    I sleep face down so having a corset on in the process is last on the list of concerns. I did sleep in a bra a lot years ago, mostly because I fell asleep with one on along with my clothes and sometimes shoes still on. It was during the years when I was burning the candle at both ends so to speak with college and so on....

    I had a soft cup Bali "double support" I think, couldn't handle how itchy it was even after several washings so it went out with the other clothing I was donating. I wouldn't wear it out in public anyway, even under clothes it gave me a horrendous profile - sort of square and lumpy.

  • Nayanya - I would very happily sleep without one except that they fall into my armpits and when I roll over they sort of get stuck and that is indescribably painful and for obvious reasons wakes me up. I've admitted that to hubby and a couple of close friends but having typed it sounds really ridiculous and embarrassing lol!

    wendybien - I always look forward to your comments. You are like a bra encyclopaedia. I'll see if I can find one of those maybe in a couple of sizes since I haven't pinned down where I'm supposed to he yet. Thanks for the suggestion! I was thinking of maybe trying one of the wired baby dolls from CK or Panache Sport since the one I have for exercising is so comfy, and just sizing up a bit because it obviously doesn't need to prevent bounce and be so tight.

  • You could look at the unbra from Decent Exposures - i wear them most of the time, but I'm trying to build up a 'real bra' wardrobe so when I go back to work next year, I dont look so dowdy. but they are very very comfy, and come in sizes, and are all cotton or cotton blends. not much support, but might rein them in for you

    I used to have hubby lay on the nipple somehow? Oddly that doesnt seem to happen any more. But i LOVE taking off my bra for bed. I have on occasion used a pillow between my boobs, but now I usually have my arm in between them, I guess? But never in my arm pit.

  • My husband and toddler are constantly leaning or lying on me and crushing my stray boob tissue (typically the nipple) when I'm lying in bed. I suspect it is not nearly as rare or weird as it sounds!

  • 1

    I would love to be able to sleep in a bra when I'm pre-menstrual, but I can barely stand wearing them during the day!

  • these 'real' bras are so painful for me - i cant let my youngest lean against me because it hurts so much. I keep wondering if there are other very short 32Js who have the same experience? Because of the wires being so very low on my rib cage .. . its just so painful. I am so jealous of people whose wires dont hurt so much.

    I can take it for 10 hours, though.

    but really the unbras are a totally different beast.

  • these 'real' bras are so painful for me - i cant let my youngest lean against me because it hurts so much. I keep wondering if there are other very short 32Js who have the same experience? Because of the wires being so very low on my rib cage .. . its just so painful. I am so jealous of people whose wires dont hurt so much.

    I can take it for 10 hours, though.

    but really the unbras are a totally different beast.

  • I'm one of those oddballs who horrifies other women by sleeping in the same underwired bras I wear all day. I've always, whether they were the right size or not, felt more comfortable sleeping in bra -- this goes all the way back to my first "training bras" when I was 10. I think it all goes back, once again, to my tiny little roots -- it all just flops around really uncomfortably and gets so sweaty underneath without something (and I don't think wirefree will cut it) to pull it up and away from my ribcage.

  • It horrified me at first, until I realized that for some people its comfy. For me, taking off my bra is one of the most wonderful things I feel most days . . . the pain stops and I can breathe!

  • I like sleeping with a not too tight tank top. That seems to keep my girls in line. lol :)

  • dbmamaz sounds like you need some extra soft padding on your wires. :)

  • I tried an extender once to make my Envy hurt less - it worked better when I tucked it under my wires than when I put it where it belonged. I'm really struggling to figure out what to do about my pain. It might just be I can only wear a bra for 8 hours. But there is literally only an inch from the bottom of my boobs to the bottom of my rib cage, and I really think thats part of the problem. I start to wonder if I'm more full-on-bottom than I think, and maybe I could get the wire sort of up under my boob? so tis not on such sensitive spots? Idk. I need to keep searching for an answer. I guess I could start be searching on how to pad your underwires.

  • dbmamaz In one of those videos on youtube there was a woman cutting up a pantiliner and sticking it to the part of the wire on the bra that was hurting her.

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Fit information

On Sep 2016

Center gore placement:
Sits flat against sternum
Top of the cup:
Cuts into breast tissue (quad boob effect)
Cups separation:
Not a problem
Band fit:
The back of the bra is not at the same level as the front (rides up)
Cup's width:
There is empty fabric on the sides (Cup too wide)

On Nov 2015

Center gore placement:
Sits flat against sternum
Top of the cup:
Cuts into breast tissue (quad boob effect)
Cups separation:
Not a problem
Band fit:
The back of the bra is not at the same level as the front (rides up)
Cup's width:
There is empty fabric on the sides (Cup too wide)

On Jul 2015

As it's a sleeping bra, I'm not too fussed with it anyway, but the gore isn't a problem since it's not even remotely like a normal wired gore.

Top of the cup:
Cuts into breast tissue (quad boob effect)

On Sep 2014

As it's a sleeping bra, I'm not too fussed with it anyway, but the gore isn't a problem since it's not even remotely like a normal wired gore.

Top of the cup:
Cuts into breast tissue (quad boob effect)

This bra didn't fit her, but these did