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Bra » Bravado Designs » The Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra (1401) » S » Bras » Owner


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I tried this bra on at a store that sold nursing supplies. I already knew from reviews on the internet that it was popular, and the two girls who worked in the store (both nursing mothers themselves) said it was their favorite nursing bra. With a name like "Body Silk" it's got to be some kind of super-soft, silky microfiber, right? I was sure this would be a winner. And it even comes with removable (thin) pads to help keep your nipples covered, or disguise any nursing pads. Or so they said.

Unfortunately, when I took it out of the packaging, I was not greeted by silky soft microfiber. Instead it was made of some kind of horrible, rough polyester. It's hard to even come up with something to compare the fabric to, since nowadays you don't usually encounter fabrics like this. It was wrinkly, rough, and sort of crunchy, like a pair of dollar store pantyhose, or a leotard from the 1970's. I put it on anyway, to try it out, and it was extremely itchy. I couldn't imagine wearing it for an hour, much less all day. It's so popular though, maybe it would soften up after some washings?

Some objective facts about this bra:
-No underwires
-comes sized as S, M, L, XL
-Though it looks like a "sports bra" style, it has hooks in the back and is not a "pull over the head" model
-drop down cup is the Side Sling style, not an A-frame.
-has removable pads that you can put into the bra to cover nipples or nursing pads

When I tried this bra on, the removable pad that came with the bra was extremely disappointing. It was very, very thin, and it was circular, but perfectly flat. That means that when I put it inside the bra, and it molded to the round shape of by boob, the edges of the pad ruffled, and the pad was very visible through the bra. I put a shirt overtop and the pad was still visible. Like two targets right around my nipples. I also tried just a disposable Lansinnoh brand pad inside the bra (those are at least a little bit rounded) and due to the fabric of the bra, that was very visible through both the bra and the shirt too.

When it comes to the pad, I will say that when I look at Bravado's site now, the pad that they show is thicker and molded into a rounded shape. Hopefully when they improved the pad, they improved the rest of the bra too, because I couldn't find a single thing to like about this bra.

To add insult to injury, this bra retails for an average of $50, which is way too much for a bra constructed out of such cheap feeling materials. The $20 bras at Target are made of materials that feel nicer than this. I honestly left the store wondering if they hadn't gotten some shipment of cheap, Chinese knock-offs, but all the packaging looked legitimate, and the girls in the store didn't think anything was amiss. Bravado now has a new microfiber bra called the Essential Embrace. I haven't tried it yet, but if you're looking for a bra in this style, you might consider that one too.

If you're looking for an around-the-house or sleep bra for nursing, I would instead recommend Bravado's "Original Nursing Bra" which comes in the Original, Plus or Double Plus, depending upon your cup size range. The Original is cotton, costs less and is all around better.

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Aug 09, 2014 Flag this

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