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Bra » The Little Bra Company » Elizabeth (F006) » 30C » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band67.3
Band Length53.3
Stretch ratio1.3
Bust perimeter0.0
Cup width14.0
Cup depth15.2
Depth ratio1.1
Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height0.0
Wing height0.0
Strap width0.0
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Didn't fit

First of all, my ideal size is somewhere between a 28C & 28D, with shallower, athletic breasts. I wear lots of lululemon sports bras in size 4 that seem to fit very well and pad enough with their added pad inserts.

This bra was quite the adventure trying to get it on and off around my broad shoulders & lats. the band does NOT stretch very much despite being a 30band, but once I got it on, the band felt extremely comfortable. However, trying to get it off was the biggest issue and the main reason why I returned it...if only this bra utilized hooks.

When I first put on the bra, the fit was ALL wrong...quad boobing, wrinkling at the bottom, etc. Most 30Cs tend to be too large on me but after scooping in, I was getting some serious quad boob! The top seam of the cup is definitely very low cut and cuts in a little. Not only that, but the cups seemed to sag a lot!

But then I realized that the straps might be too long, so I pinned up the straps and the bra fit 100% better...still minor quadboob in my left breast since that one is slightly bigger but what a difference shortening the straps (by 2 inches) makes! However, the bra is still extremely low cut and when I pull my shoulders forward, there is quite a bit of opening and gapping. This is probably due to the gore not tacking AT ALL but gapping out at least 1.5cm in front...probably because it is a soft-cup wireless sports bra. The straps are also very wideset so they cut into the front of my shoulders if I move my arms across me in an X shape.

Definitely do not think this bra will hold me in for some high intense, crossfit activity though once I shortened the straps, the shape looked pretty attractive. Unfortunately for the price, I could definitely just wear a standard t-shirt bra for casual wear or a lulu bra because their bands are stretchier and they don't still my boobs out.

Updated on Sep 15, 2013 Flag this

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