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Bra » Nazeli » Adela - Soft » 55R » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band69.9
Band Length57.2
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width15.6
Cup depth45.7
Depth ratio2.9
Wire length36.6
Cup height26.0
Cup separation2.3
Gore height9.9
Wing height14.6
Strap width2.2
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Didn't fit

Adela Soft (Full Cup) in 55R

Adela Soft is normally a half cup similar in look to the Ewa HP style. While that was what I ordered, Nazeli made mine as a full cup instead. I assume this was due to the size ordered, 55R. The full cup version looks identical to their half cup version, minus the padding. There is no stretch lace on this cup, though the whole bra has quite a bit of “give” to the materials.

The quality of the materials does appear exceptional, especially for the price, and it is very well made. I did experience an oddity with mine due to the size, as they chose to use a 55I label and a sharpie to make the “I” into an R, and I can only assume it’s due to them not having the 55R label on hand. Since I ordered 3 55R and 2 60P, I had this done on all 5 of my bras (the sharpie method) which did not work so well as it is smeared on half of the bras, and altogether just has a tacky look to it. I realize that “standard” sizes would not experience this, but the larger cup sizes will. If you are like me, you will be very bothered by this, so it is worth noting. As I like proper labels on my bras, this does bother me more than it really should, haha.

Now for the measurements!

All measurements are taken prior to trying the bra on to insure no figure is obscured by the body. I also take all flat measurements before taking the stretched cup then band measurements for the same reason.

The band measures 22.5” and stretches to a max of 27.5”. It has 3 hooks and 3 rows of eye loops. This makes it a wonderful 28 band, but a bit large for a 26 band.

Cup Depth as measured by:
1 Hovering the cup between the knees, then placing the tape measure into the cups without any resistance.
This measurement is: 14.5”
2 Placing the cup over the knee and stretching it similar to what a breast would, to the maximum resistance.
This measurement is: 18”

I feel these two figures give you a general idea of the minimum and maximum depth that the cup can accommodate, just like the flat and stretched band measurements do with bands. Since Bratabase only has one cup field, I enter the larger of the two, as it’s this larger number that determines if a cup is going to fit me or not since I am on the max end of the cup scale, but do realize that some may need the lower number to determine fit for their needs, so I will always include both figures in the reviews for full disclosure.

The width of the cup is 6.125”, the height 10.25”, wing 5.75” and the gore 3.88” high and .9” wide.

As for fit,
I must first note that I chose my test sizes based on my index sizes for Comexim and Ewa, and not directly with my measurements and the Nazeli size chart. I also chose to order 3 of the 5 in a 26 (55) band since I noticed the models were all wearing the bras on the tightest hook-set. That being said, my bust measurement is 42” (106.75cm) with a comfy snug underbust of 25.5” (64.77cm) and Nazeli size chart for the 55R is 104-106cm, and the 60P=107-109cm, so I was not far off from the suggested size. To compare, in Ewa I wear 60KK-L which is labeled as 109-111.5cm, and in Comexim I wear 60Q=104-106cm.

Point blank, without any doubt, the cups are too big. Really huge. We are talking at least 2-3 cups too big, and I am at or near my high tide for the month, so there is no “maybe they’ll fit in 2 weeks” situation, as in two weeks I should be smaller in the bust.

The fit issue doesn’t end there, as the gore is too wide set, the wing too tall, and with the cups being so large, the wires do wrap too far around the body. All around this bra was a fit fail, except that the band was comfortable on the tightest hook-set, haha. There is no way of salvaging the fit, even if my breasts grew. This bra would have been too large even last month when my breasts went through their month of wild swelling.

Since the max depth on this is 18” and my breasts have a 16” perimeter for my larger and 15.25” for my smaller, it really was no shocker that the cups were too big.

Aside from the singular depth measurement, the cups in this range are overall more spacious, and clearly use a different scaling than is used in the lower cup ranges, based on the other reviews so far.

I personally will not be trying another Nazeli bra, as I wouldn’t even know where to begin with not only the size, but also customizations needed to fix the other fit fails, such as the gore width and wing height.

I asked Magda at order these for me and the other Bratabase members. It was a company she was not familiar with and had no prior experience and placed the order for us out of a courtesy. For that I am thankful, as she is wonderful in her willingness to go above and beyond for her customers. Obviously the fit fails are of no reflection on her or her customer service, but instead with the scaling issues at Nazeli.

I feel they did not do enough “Beta testing” with models of various sizes to refine their scaling within their range, and most likely bit off more than they could chew with their expanded size range. They really should have started with a smaller range, worked on perfecting that range, and then slowly added more sizes, checking the fit along the way. Hopefully with time, they can work through these sizing issues and be able to put out a more consistent and reliable bra line.

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Jan 15, 2019 Flag this

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  • Show all comments (26)
  • 1

    That is so pretty, I am sorry that this one is so bad. It really looks like it wasn't even tested on a real person at all.

  • 1

    Is that wire going all the way to your back?

  • 2

    brasaremean It really does look like that to me too. Looks like Curvy Kate wires.

  • 3

    Agreed Sovavosi, and damn near brasaremean, haha. It's like my UK bra nightmares have invaded my Poland treasure palace. Why?!? Polish bras are my happy place and my safety zone......No UK fit issues are allowed!

  • 1

    The sad thing, as bad as this looks, it is still not the worst fitting one I received......

    I still have 3 more to post, 😬😖😬😖

  • 1

    Oh god *shudder*

  • 1

    How's the Safiya though?

  • 2

    Comexim is my hero at the moment, as both bras fit beautifully. It's a good thing they came yesterday or I think I would have cried about these Nazeli ones. :'(

  • 2

    *hugs* at least the comexim worked out (side note safiya is really pretty)

  • It really is!! I love it. :-)

  • 1

    Safiya is beautiful, super sad mine no longer fits!

  • Sorry honey. :-( But you could order it again! It's beauty is worth the price tag for sure! :-)

  • 1

    I can't, comexim gives me a headache with so close yet so far fits!

  • 1

    I still want to try Safiya too... so scared it will be too tall.

  • Mine is only 8.5" tall so yours should be a safe height.

  • 1

    This is really beautiful. I'm sorry the fit is so bad. :(

  • 2

    The lace detailing is really spectacular. It's devesating that it is a nightmare fit. They really need to hire Bratabase users as testers

  • 1

    They need someone, that's for sure! The bra itself is beautiful, and the quality (aside from the sharpie label) is great. It's the fit and scaling factors that they fail to succeed at. :-/

  • 1

    Waaaaahhhhhh. I'm so sad. I had high hopes for this brand because the styles are so pretty. Such a fail. It's pretty (and my wide set girls would love that gore) but those wires tho :/

  • So sad for you.

  • 2

    AprilGoulding Me too! I remained positive up until I measured them, haha. O.o

    The bras really are gorgeous and well made, and I know they offer customizations, but where to begin with the sizing? I am clueless which makes it impossible to know what size I would be. I am at a loss since the whole cup is so much larger, not just the apex singular depth measurement.

    @Calluna I was sad too! Luckily my Comexim order that arrived the same day was a hit, so it cushioned the blow for this miss.

    I am not used to getting cups that are too big. I don't handle it too well.... 😄😖😬😄 But I'm over it now! :-D

  • 2

    MamaPagan re: "I am not used to getting cups that are too big"

    When I looked at the pics, I thought, "omg. Her boobies look so small in that bra! Wtf? Her boobies never look small!"


  • 2

    I know! I feel like a little girl playong dress up and wearing mommy's bras! 😖😖😖

  • 1

    Ah geez, those cups are HUGE! That must have been weird as heck for you, lol! What a shame, too; it's SUCH a pretty bra. :(

  • 3

    MamaPagan I read your reviews about Nazeli's bra and here are my thoughts.
    As for the size number on the label, I also think that they don't have a larger size, so they re-size from I to P or R. You are quite right, it looks tacky and can disturb some.
    When it comes to size, I think that they have no experience and what is connected with it have not made many tests and trials. That's why your ordered sizes were too big, big. It is strange because all other sizes ordered turned out to be too small. But as I wrote earlier. It seems to me that they did not have anybody to try to size, construction, design of each bra model.
    I am very sorry that none of these bras fit. :( I would like to help you somehow, but how?

  • 2

    Thank you Magda, but I am not sure what you could do either.

    I do appreciate your offering to assist, and I really do appreciate you going out of your way to set up the Nazeli account to ordering these for me and the others! The fit fails are not a reflection of you or your excellent customer service. You are awesome!

    Nazeli has potential, but definitely needs to refine their sizing and scaling glitches before they can succeed for sure.

Entry closed

Fit information

On Dec 2018

Cups are 2-3 cups too big, gore too wide.....

Underwire length:
Runs too high under the arm, it pokes
Straps adjustment:
Straps don't adjust short enough
Top of the cup:
Wrinkles, can't quite fill it
Cups separation:
Too close together for my boobs
Cup's width:
There is empty fabric on the sides (Cup too wide)

This bra didn't fit her, but these did