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Bra » Gorsenia » Campari Balconette (K376) » 80I » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band96.0
Band Length76.0
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width16.5
Cup depth34.4
Depth ratio2.1
Wire length33.0
Cup height25.0
Cup separation2.0
Gore height9.6
Wing height11.0
Strap width2.4
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Hasn't set fit

This is such a good fit on me - I actually did not expect to find an unpadded bra that actually fits, after trying various bras from the big brands - Panache, Freya, Fantasie, Elomi, Bravissimo, Ewa Michalalak, Empreinte, Curvy Kate.. - and finding, well, bras ranging from absolutely not working to wearable. I'm sharing this because it turns out that trying smaller or lesser known brands does pay off!

Back to the fit - I'm really happy to see that the cup shape matches my shape perfectly, and there are no wrinkles anywhere in the cup. My shape - short roots (my biggest fit/comfort issue are too tall wires), inner fullness, even fullness. I need a gore that's narrow at the top but which widens at the bottom, average to narrow cup width, and medium wire hardness works best. I need quite a bit of projection in the bottom of the cup, but not a lot in the middle. This bra just works well for all of that.

Also regarding fit, I remember reading other reviews saying that they found the straps on Gorsenia bras to be too wide set - tbh I didn't notice this, on me they're comfortable. However, I do have wide shoulders and it rarely happens to me that straps are too wide set. When it does, it's often a shape incompatibility (cup/sides too tall) or a cup too large (on wireless bras). However, with an older Gorsenia model that I've tried (Artemida), the straps are indeed super wide set and they almost slip off even my shoulders, so maybe that's an issue they've fixed or that's at least model dependent.

Regarding sizing, I'd say the cups are quite generous and it's possible to size down. The shape it gives is round but not half-sphere.

The materials feel sturdy and good quality. The cups are made from non stretchy fabric, and the lace at the top of the cups lies flat under clothes. The only strange thing about the lace is that despite it not feeling scratchy, it somehow catches on the clothes. It's not really an issue, just something that hasn't happened with other bras.

This review comes a bit late, as I've already had this bra for about a while. However, it keeps on being comfortable, and is holding up well with machine washing. The only thing is that I'll be getting a smaller band size next time, because as I am between 34 and 36, I find that with wear the band has become a bit looser.

Rust orange colorway

Updated on Oct 18, 2018 Flag this

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She hasn't added any bras that fit her correctly.