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Bra » Victoria's Secret » Fabulous Unlined Demi (36007682) » 32D » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band83.0
Band Length62.0
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width12.3
Cup depth20.0
Depth ratio1.6
Wire length22.0
Cup height13.5
Cup separation2.0
Gore height3.0
Wing height6.0
Strap width1.3
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I love this bra, simple, light weight, super soft and very comfortable. I have one in a nude color that is exactly the same size but curiosly that one cuts a bit into my breast tissue, giving me a cuad boob, but this one does not, i really don't understand what it could be. As with the other one, the lift is great, natural and the shape is also natural and round. I am very happy that I can wear this one without worrying about the cuad boob thing.

Updated on Aug 17, 2017 Flag this

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