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Bra » Freya » Starlet Vertical Seam Bra (1061) » 30DD » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band80.0
Band Length64.8
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width11.4
Cup depth19.7
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length21.6
Cup height12.1
Cup separation1.9
Gore height6.4
Wing height7.0
Strap width1.3
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Didn't fit

This is my first purchase in the quest for properly fitting bras. I have been scouring the Internet and learning about breast shapes and proper fit. I believe I am (after two babies...) full on bottom, pendulous even, center full, somewhat close set, with narrow and short roots and soft tissue. This bra almost fits, but I think a 28E would be better. I have heard that Freya bands can run a little bigger compared to other bands, and I definitely think that's the case with this bra. I tried on another brand at the same time I bought this one (didn't fit at all, didn't buy) and this band was looser than the other one. I have to wear it on the middle hook to get decent support, and the tightest would be better but I don't want to wear out the elastic too fast. The upper edge of the cup is not quite laying flat, because I am quite full on bottom and shallow on top. Wearing the band on the tightest hook also helps the lace lay flatter, further leading me to believe the 28E would be better. But hey, for as cheap as I found it, it's a million times better than what I've been wearing. The wire is probably a little wider than I need, but it doesn't seem to create any other fit issues and is perfectly comfortable. The gore is pretty tall, but I'm so happy it lays flat! I've never had a bra that did that before! The very top of the wires in the gore is on breast tissue just a little because I'm fairly close set. It does not cut or feel uncomfortable at all, however. Overall, a nice bra; for me a sister size and a little more closed top would be even better, but it's totally wearable. Any suggestions for other bras to try based on how this fits would be much appreciated.

Black colorway

Updated on Jan 30, 2017 Flag this

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  • Show all comments (9)
  • Cleo Lucy (5851) is great for FoB boobs!
    Also, you might be successful with Freya 'Balcony Plunge' bras, most of which are both narrow and suited for FoB boobs.

  • Your 45 degree shot makes it look like you may have tall roots. If you do (and you will know this more than I do, so if not then do ignore the following!)

    For bras suited to taller roots, any of Freya's vertical seam bras (sister cuts to the one you're wearing now). The vertical seam 'Pandora' is very pretty:

    Triumph beauty full darling is available in a 30 band, TTS as far as I know, and again is perfect for tall roots:

    It's also a better daily bra, I think, than the Freya options - comes in a variety of basic colours, pattern is minimal and disappears under clothes, etc. I would suggest that, if you try this bra, you try it in a 30DD and a 30E, as when I tried it I found the cups a mite small. The top of the cups do close a smidge.

    This Fantasie bra works for tall roots too -

    For bras with a different cut (not vertical seam!!!) which are do-able with tall roots AND close, I have also had success with Cleo Kali (Lucy is a sister cut), Freya Fearne and Freya Fearne's sister cuts. Freya Enchanted does have that 'george fold' on me (where my tall root pushes the lace down, creating a crease) but it is invisible under clothes and it gives me a lovely shape.

    This v. active Reddit/A bra that fits and bratabase user is a similar size to you and has tall roots. Her blog is here:

    Would be worth your checking out, I think! Good luck.

  • Thank you both for the suggestions! I am on the lookout for a Lucy in my size. What's the best way to determine short/average/tall roots? Leaning?

  • Oh I know, it's so hard - without really looking at loads of other women's breasts, there's nothing to compare yours too! So how to know.

    Anyway. It's about how high up above your apex your breast tissue goes. With short roots all breast tissue will be collected around a smaller area, average roots a little bigger an area, tall roots you'll see (in our size range and w/ soft breasts) a gentle slope up from the apex (which your side picture looks like, but it's one picture and I could very well be wrong).

    My roots start about three fingers below my collarbone - if I squish all my tissue upwards I can more or less feel where it starts. So I think do that.

    With soft breast tissue it can be hard to figure out (again, I'm the same here!) bc the majority of the tissue will sink to the bottom part of the breast. Problem is in a bra, some of it will get squished back up into the top of the root, so bras which are not good for tall roots will cut in and not sit right. If you ever get what I called a George fold earlier, in spite of being FOB, that would also suggest tall roots.

    Here are a couple of images from ABTF which try to show tall roots:

  • I think mine starts 4 or 5 finger widths down. It's really about where you see the cleavage line (cleavage shadow, lol) start.

  • Okay, maybe average root height then? Which makes me wonder if the look of your shape in the 45 degree pic is being caused by the bra itself - if it might in fact be too shallow for you? That might then smoosh/flatten your tissue a little upwards? And that the gaping at the top is not so much bc you are shallow there (in an open cup that shouldn't be this much of a problem) as it is that your breast is pushing the cup away to find the projection it needs?

    This particular bra is rather shallow for its size. How does its cup depth measure up against your vertical breast measurement? Given that you are pendulous, you likely (though not necessarily) want more projection than this cup gives you.

    All suggestions thus far are still good though - Lucy is less projected than Freya bras, and it tends toward wider wires in this size range, but if the wires won't be a problem for you its definitely still worth a shot. Kali is narrower and more projected. I think the fit of Cleo bras is great for softer tissue - their fabrics don't have much give, they really lift and shape. Panache bras would be a good try, too. For those two brands, I would order a cup size with a depth close-to or slightly under your vertical breast measurement.

    Freya plunge balconies are also good. Curvy Kate has a number of good narrow/deep styles with closed tops - Ellace and Bardot in particular are available in a similar colourway to this one, if you prefer darker shades/neutrals. Again with these, I would look for a cup depth similar to your vertical measurement here on bratabase and order your cup size based off that. I wouldn't go smaller than your vertical measurement in either Freya or CK though, as their wires are softer than Cleo and do pull a bit wider when worn. (As an example, the CK ellace has a depth of around 9.5 inches in the 28F unworn, worn on me it is around 9 inches).

  • Yes to projection, definitely. I haven't done my vertical breast perimeter yet, but this bra's depth is a little smaller than my horizontal perimeter. So that makes sense--the gaping on this one is actually more near the center, versus at the very top of the cup like I have with molded cups. Pushing out for more depth seems like it could cause that. Thank you again for your comments; they are very precise and helpful. Any insight on Polish brands? I hear they are great for projection.

  • Ugh and it is late here so I am being silly - horizontal is absolutely what I meant to say/type, not vertical.

    I have not tried any polish bras but, if you haven't seen it, it would be worth looking at the blog dreamsandunderthings. She is projected, soft, w/ short roots but lots of the polish bras on her blog are halfcups so should work for you too. If you're in the states, there is an online company which sells polish bras . comexim I think, maybe avocado too, and their bras are gorgeous? - but I am in the uk so have never paid too much attention to them. I'd also search on the A bra that fits subreddit for polish info - everyone is v. helpful there!

  • Haha, great. Yes, it's late over there!

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Fit information

On Jan 2017

Cup is filled, but lace edge is a little open for my FoB shape.

Top of the cup:
Wrinkles, can't quite fill it
Band fit:
The back of the bra is not at the same level as the front (rides up)

This bra didn't fit her, but these did