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Bra » Ewa Michalak » S Paris Paris (625) » 70G » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band80.0
Band Length63.0
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width14.0
Cup depth25.0
Depth ratio1.8
Wire length25.5
Cup height18.5
Cup separation1.8
Gore height7.0
Wing height10.5
Strap width2.0
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As others have said, really unique color and semi-shiny like satin. The trim is light pink: lace along the top, straps and bow all pink. Totally smooth under knits except for the top seam (which isn't raised, just visible to close examination). Comes with asymmetry pads and pockets. The band is stretchy compared to other S style bras I own. I feel as though the cups are slightly small for a G because even without the pad I still bubble out a bit on my larger side if I don't reverse swoop & scoop; it fits just like a couple of my 70FF Ewa S's. Very soft and comfortable with great projection, lift and centering. The S cut is my ideal fit and shape!

Updated on Dec 27, 2016 Flag this

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