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Bra » Cache Coeur » Lollipop » 95F » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band96.5
Band Length72.4
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width0.0
Cup depth27.9
Depth ratio0.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height10.8
Wing height10.8
Strap width1.6
No measurements to compare

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Didn't fit

My local bra boutique clears out inventory a few times a year and offers a grab bag, you basically tell them your size and preferences and they send you 2 random bras for $50-60. I did the nursing bra grab bag last year and I just said I wanted something pretty, and they delivered on that front!

The size is a bit off for me- I'm around 32H/34GG, and this is a wireless 36F, but it's still very comfy. I would say the band and cups are true to size, but very forgiving/accommodating; after all, it's meant to handle some size fluctuations since it's a nursing bra. I do quad out of it a bit when I'm full or after I s&s, but usually it's fine.

The cups are lightly padded with some very nice stretch lace across the top- they are distinct cups on the inside but it's less obvious from the front. Best of all, it's REALLY REALLY pink! I'm not normally a pink person, but after swimming in a sea of stretchy beige nursing bras for 3 years I was ready for color. It does have vertical boning in the wings, which I find rather annoying. I've had several bras with that feature and it always just warps over time to look like a perma-roll of armpit chub.

The most unique feature is the nursing clips- they're magnets! They're very strong, I haven't had any issues with them popping open at inappropriate times, but this doesn't really add any versatility in my opinion. They work the same as regular clips and I still find I need to use 2 hands to line them up just so.

Overall it's a pretty nice nursing bra and I'll be sad to see it go when the time comes to sell t!

Hot pink colorway

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Sep 07, 2016 Flag this

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