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Bra » Cleo » Neve Plunge T-shirt Bra (7086) » 28GG » Bras » Owner


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Just got this in the mail today and so far am pleasantly surprised! Someone had suggested looking into the strapless one, and when I came across the regular version saw it was discounted to $49! Figured what the heck, it's worth a try! 28GG fits perfectly... a little snug but I don't mind, gives a little extra push up effect, and there's no nip slip which is a problem I had with my Freya Deco Plunge 28G. The bra itself appears to be well made.. doesn't feel as "heavy duty" to me as the Freya Deco... but as of now that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's light, comfortable, and affordable. My only complaint if any, is that the shoulder straps are a set rather wide (i have very narrow shoulders). Haven't worn it for a full day yet.... but first impressions, so far so good!

nude colorway

Updated on Mar 25, 2016 Flag this

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  • Show all comments (13)
  • Looks good! The extra push up is always nice for certain effects! And sales just mean deal, gotta buy...makes sense to me!

  • 6

    Ok honey, I have to chime in here. Of course, it's your body and your prerogative to wear whatever you want so don't get me wrong and feel free to ignore me if you like :) But this does not fit. It's not even close. It's far too shallow for you - do you see how the cups are wrinkling and folding at the underwire? It's also far too small. So is the Deco strapless. These bras are at least 2-3 cup sizes too small. Sure it's okay to want cleavage, but generally this kind of cleavage results from too small cups - you're actually very close to literally falling over the tops of these cups. I express my concern not only for your back and shoulders, but for your implants. They need proper support to prevent bottoming out.

    With your shape, I think Ewa Michalak and Comexim could be fantastic on you. I'm tagging Tanzilove for more ideas and advice, as she's similar to you.

  • Tanzilove since my first comment didn't tag her and apparently I can't edit it.

  • 2

  • Bras do not prevent bottoming out.

  • 3

    I will check out Ewa Michalak and Comexim as well. Personally, I prefer cups that fit a little on the snug side. I may order in a larger cup size just to compare! As far as my back and shoulders go, I get checked out by my dr. regularly.. and work out every day... my frame may be small but i have enough muscle to hold up the girls, no back problems or shoulder issues at all. What causes implants to bottom out is unrelated to how bras fit... it's a problem generally caused by the over dissection of the implant pocket. I've had mine for over 12 years... no issues with bottoming out or any other complications for that matter. I do appreciate your feedback and concern though!

  • 4

    I think Comexim might be a good bra for you too with your upper roundness. I'm short rooted and I did a lot of swoop and scoop to get into mine. They customize things like strap placement from what I hear. Prices aren't too bad either :)

  • 6

    Well I don't have implants & you know your body & preferences better than me of course. Regardless of bottoming out, I do know you can achieve the look you want in a bra that fits better than this. Ewa has some gorgeous designs & she includes cookies & cookie pockets in her padded bras, which act like little push up pads to give you some extra lift & oomph. Based on how this bra looks on you id say you're more like a 28HH & in Ewa that would be a 60HH or 65H, but some need to size up another cup in her padded bras so maybe 60J or 65HH. Her S cut is fabulous on your size & shape & can keep you in a padded bra, with some nice shapely cleavage, but with a better fit & much more support.

  • 4

    I agree on the S cut recommendation! I love the lift I get with them (just for reference, I'm short rooted and FOB). I put up pics for an S Colette in a 75HH and an S Granatowa Pantera in a 70J if you want to see the shape they create on me. They'll probably give you an even more lifted shape because you look like you have much more upper fullness than I do

  • 1

    I don't have shape advice. I just bought this bra as well and sized up in band and cup based on someone with similar measurements to me on here and it fit perfect but I got it on Amazon for 17 dollars. In different sizes on there certain colors are cheaper. I got mine for 17 in hot pink and my daughter a 32F (sized up in cup not in band for her) for just 8 dollars in the floral. Just thought I'd let you know you might be able to get a better price in whatever size you choose :)

  • If you're aiming for the best fit, seek a cup size with underwires that hug your every curve (your infra-mammary fold) and a gore that tacks completely against your breastbone. For me, when I don't get this, the bra squishes my boobs down and against my chest as the day goes on, instead of up & perky. The underwire also will slide down and press on your upper tummy too, which blows. When you take it off, see where the wires left marks on your body. If it doesn't follow the line where your boobs meet your chest wall, you know it's not giving you the support you need.

  • I can sympathize with the straps-too-wide issue, as I have this too. A lot of bra brands just make the straps further apart as they go up in the cup because it's cheaper than re-grading the cups for each size. However, bigger boobs=/= wider shoulders obvi! -_-

  • 4

    I agree,it's probably two cup sizes too small. It's the angle shot view that really shows it, so much uncovered breast at that view that isn't cleavage. I second or third the rec of Comexim or area, but in at least two cup sizes bigger. And I just wanted to say that you are an amazingly strong person to overcome your cancer!

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On Mar 2016 It fit her!

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