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Bra » Cleo » Koko Belle Moulded Plunge Bra (9066) » 28G » Bras » Owner


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Cup depth0.0
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Wire length0.0
Cup height0.0
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Gore height0.0
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This is my second attempt at a convertible bra since I remeasured; the first was the Freya Deco Delight Moulded Multiway Bra (1561) which, like all Decos, seems to be a shape mismatch for me (my review on that one is here: ) . I'd say I have wide roots of average height, self-supporting FOB, and the Koko Belle fits me beautifully whether worn conventionally or racerback.

(Note for anyone who had an eye on this bra and was confused as to whether or not it is actually multiway: It is. I went on a bunch of different websites before I purchased it trying to confirm this because some websites say it is and some don't mention anything about it being multiway at all, and for whatever reason none of the pictures on any sites show the clips on the straps that you can use to convert it, but they are there.)

This is a really beautiful bra. It's all red with deep purple hardware and a small purple bow on the gore. The gore and wings are both double layer: mesh on the inside that feels really nice and non-scratchy against your skin, and a pretty lace on the outside that doesn't snag shirts. The cups are satiny smooth, and the straps have these tiny, kind of shimmery embossed polka dots that are really cute.

This bra gives me decent lift and cleavage without squishing or flattening, and once I put it on and scoop everything in, I don't have to adjust it much during the day, which is a relief since I was constantly having to adjust the Deco. It's comfortable as well: the band is snug but not too tight, and the straps are fully adjustable. The gore sits where it's supposed to and doesn't rest on any tissue, and the underwire doesn't poke or rub anywhere (sometimes I'm conscious of it against my rib cage, but that's a problem I seem to have with all bras). It works under most cuts of shirts, including v-necks, although I did find that the inside edge of the cup at the top liked to peek out of my very lowest v-necks. It is a very bright red (they weren't playing any games when they named the colorway 'Poppy'), so I can't wear it under thin or very light colored shirts, but for the shirts that I can wear it with, it's amazing, and gives me a great shape overall, somewhat rounded but still natural-looking and not too projected. Of the many (many, many, many) bras I've tried over the past few months, this is definitely my favorite, along with the Cleo Maddie Moulded T-shirt Bra (7201) .

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Dec 07, 2015 Flag this

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  • Great review of the Cleo Koko Belle! Glad to know of a convertible bra working so well for breasts with your shape characteristics!

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