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Bra » Freya » Just Flew In Padded Longline Bra (1393) » 28G » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band78.7
Band Length63.5
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width14.0
Cup depth24.1
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length28.6
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.5
Gore height10.2
Wing height12.1
Strap width1.9
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Didn't fit

I adore the longline look, so I figured it was finally time to get one of my own. I usually wear a 28FF, but I decided to take a chance on the 28G since it was available. The band is pretty tight on the loosest row (there are only two), but it very stretchy, and I think it will get more comfortable with more wear. Straps are fully adjustable, and sit comfortably on my shoulders.

I honestly did not think it was possible for a cup width to be too wide for me, but Just Flew In definitely walks the line. I would probably like for it to be a little more narrow, but there is breast tissue all the way to the end, so it's not that big of a deal. Once the bra is pulled right up into my inframammary fold (And stays there! That never happens!), my breasts fill the cups very nicely and I have very little empty space on my higher breast.

A small bit of gaping at the top, but I do feel like that's from going to a "G" cup, and it's really not noticeable enough for me to worry about it. The gore is probably the biggest complaint I have. It comes up quite high and leaves very angry red marks when I remove the bra. I wish there was a way to bend it out *ever so slightly*, just to take a smidgen of pressure off, but it does not hurt so far.

Overall I feel the fit is pretty nice, but would have been perfect had I gotten my proper size. I will keep it and wear it, because *damn* is it beautiful, and it creates a really nice smooth, rounded shape that looks great under anything that I own.

Updated on May 21, 2013 Flag this

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Fit information

On Apr 2013

Center gore comfort:
Underwires dig into sternum, because they are too high
Strap separation:
Not a problem
Cups separation:
Too separate for my boobs

She hasn't added any bras that fit her correctly.