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Bra » Lilyette » Enchantment 3 Section Cup Bra (0471) » 34DD » Bras » Owner


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Cup depth0.0
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Cup height0.0
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Gore height0.0
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Didn't fit

Unfortunately, I don't have a camera on a phone or elsewhere, so no real fit check for me. I've been reading through this forum like crazy, though, so I guess I can do it from description.

The bra I purchased is a Lilyette Enchantment 3section in a 34DD. I bought before I asked, like an idiot, so I figured I may as well wait for it to see how things go. Otherwise, I guess people are generally warned away from this bra because of some awkward cup fittage.

I will say that I'm very glad I bought this in the 34DD instead of the 34DDD/E like people were suggesting according to my measurements, which are in THIS post. Odds are good that had I gotten the 34D, it would have been a nearly perfect fit in the cup, because my breasts tend to act like water and take the shape of whatever cup I put them in. lol

Anyways, I found it in my postbox when I came home from work yesterday. I had half my clothes off before I even got a chance to pee! lol There are lots of things I really like about this bra (aside from the slightly awkward cup fittage, which I did experience). Love the four column, three row closure. I love the smooth, soft band. I love that it's very snug but still easy to S'nS all my sideboob into the cup. It makes a very nice, smooth line along my sides. The gore fits PERFECTLY, although there's a tiny bit of lace poking on my chest (I'll fix that before I go to work in this thing). The underwires didn't poke me ANYWHERE, which is a literal first time ever, nor do I get any awkward armpit boob or pinching or irritation there, period. I think insofar as the wires go, whatever these are, I hope the rest of my bras will be just like them in width, depth, and shape. Probably tomorrow I will put this bra onto my bratabase. I don't have time this morning before work to sit and measure the whole thing.

The only real disappointment was the cups, really. I've not managed to quite figure out my boob shapes just yet, but I've guessed at a full on bottom, shallow type. Unfortunately, I've done the "lean over and examine in a mirror" thing to find out my boob shape the other day, and now I'm confused whether I'm FoB or FoT, because it seems like there's more fullness on top than bottom when I'm leaning, but the tissue is very soft and squishy, and I've always NEVER fit into bras on the top (usually get gaping in a big way). So much for figuring that one out. If anybody can help me figure out my boob shape/type/consistency based off this, I will probably love you forever.

The bottom of the cup seems to fit pretty well, but there is a little bit of gape going on up top. Since it's my bra now, I may break down and see if I can't modify it a little bit tomorrow (on my day off).

Bras have always been very uncomfortable to me. They slip and slide, the straps fall off, the band rides up in back, I have to readjust the girls back into the cup multiple times a day, I'm either filling out the top TOO much or not at all (depending on the shape of the cup), you name it. With this one? I've done every test I can think of: the standing shoulders back, hunched over with my shoulders rolled forward, arms over head, jumping up and down, and even the "nap on the couch" test. And I was very impressed that this thing went NOwhere. In fact, I found it comfortable enough that I could actually take a nap in it!

Do I feel like it's a perfect fit? Not quite. But for me, at the moment, the only reason I'll say "It's good enough" is because of the gaping on the top, and hell, I can fix that. So, yeah, I'm going to keep it.

Next order arriving next week: Jezebel Women's Dazzled Demi. I have even higher hopes for this one than I did for the Lilyette.

Updated on Jun 05, 2013 Flag this

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Fit information

On May 2013

Strap separation:
Not a problem
Top of the cup:
Wrinkles, can't quite fill it

This bra didn't fit her, but these did