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Bra » Fantasie » Rebecca (2024) » 36F » Bras » Owner


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Fits ribcage0.0
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Stretched Band0.0
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Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width0.0
Cup depth0.0
Depth ratio0.0
Wire length0.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height0.0
Wing height0.0
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Didn't fit

I bought this bra on eBay after trying it on at Nordstrom's. I thought (and the fitter agreed) that fit really well. This was only the first or second time I'd ever tried bras that were anywhere near close to my correct size, and I think I hadn't quite mastered the scoop and swoop and did not fully understand importance of wire width yet. When it arrived I was horribly disappointed to realize that the cups were too small and the wires did not fully encapsulate all breast tissue on both sides simultaneously. When I first put in on the gore tacks and it looks pretty good. Once I swoop and scoop, I can get one wire in the correct place and it the width is good for the individual breast, but the other cup gets pulled forward and the wire is definitely on breast tissue and the gore floats off my chest. It may be that a slightly wire gore/more separation between the cups would deal with the width issue. The band is great, snug and comfortable and despite my extra plushness in my tummy/back/ribcage, it does not give me an extra chub roll as most bras do.

I've seen complaints in other reviews that it gives a "wide" or "matronly" look: I do wish it had a little more side support- my breasts are pretty soft, and this bra does let them curve out to the side more than I expected, but they're not splayed and the shape is still nice and rounded. I have a fair amount of natural projection, so even with some of my tissue out on the side don't feel flat at all. I actually feel like it makes my ribcage and waist look smaller in comparison when you look at me head on.

I kept it because I didn't want to deal with the return process and it is substantially better than anything I have now. I do love the fabric, it is much thinner and more breathable than any other molded bra I've tried but provides adequate nipple coverage, even under thin shirts. Overall, even with slightly too small cups, it is very comfortable. The strap placement it great, not irritatingly wide/hanging off the edges of my shoulders like most of the bras I've tried, and the wire width is really very close to being right. I also like that it doesn't come up too high- I can't wear my lowest cut shirts, but a lot of the medium low cut necklines that I wear to work are fine. Another pro: I have a longer torso, so underwires tend to jab me in the upper breast tissue (instead of my armpit, which seems to be the common complaint) so I like that the underwire ends a little lower than the top of the outer end of the cup. The flip side of that is that that there is some breast tissue that is not fully pulled forward and slides back a little throughout the day. When my budget allows I will buy definitely purchase this same bra in 36ff.

Updated on May 05, 2013 Flag this

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Fit information

On Mar 2013

Center gore placement:
Doesn't lie flat against sternum
Underwire length:
Is too short on the side, boobs escape
Strap separation:
Not a problem
Cup's width:
Outer cup cuts into breast tissue in the sides

This bra didn't fit her, but these did