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Bra » Calvin Klein » Seductive Comfort Customized Lift (F2892) » 30D » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length0.0
Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width0.0
Cup depth0.0
Depth ratio0.0
Wire length0.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height0.0
Wing height0.0
Strap width0.0
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Didn't fit

I think this bra is great except for that it isn't my actual size. I had to immediately wear it on the tightest hook and, if I get the underwire settled flat on my chest, my breasts spill out on top (aka "quad boob"--very noticeable if I'm wearing a thin shirt), so I need a band size down and possibly 2 cup sizes up--it would fit me in a 28E but I'm pretty sure they don't make that size. I just wear it with the straps a bit loose and it doesn't give me too much spillage then." alt=":)" />

I love the material. This bra is very comfortable, as are most Calvin Kleins for me. The band is quite stretchy, which is a disadvantage in my opinion, but at least it means you aren't being poked and rubbed the wrong way. I don't really like the weird ruffling at the top of the cups, but that is only because my breasts are too large for this bra and the design becomes obvious through thinner shirts. It is very cute when you're not trying to hide it, though! The straps are an appropriate width (skinny!) and fully adjustable. Not a problem for tank top wearers.

The cups are padded at the bottom--not too much as to add a cup size, but the perfect amount if you want a little bit more mass on top or are simply used to push-up bras. The cups are seamless and smooth. Of course, they are thick enough to prevent nipple show-through.

Overall, a really cute, simple bra that I would love to own in my true size, or maybe even a 30DD just for more coverage. I would recommend this bra to fans of push-up bras and those who have close-together boobs. It creates nice cleavage and it cut wide enough on top to wear it with most low-cut tops while also preventing private areas from peeking out." alt=";)" />

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Jul 27, 2012 Flag this

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Fit information

On Jul 2012

Center gore placement:
Doesn't lie flat against sternum
Top of the cup:
Cuts into breast tissue (quad boob effect)
Band fit:
The back of the bra is not at the same level as the front (rides up)
Strap separation:
Not a problem

This bra didn't fit her, but these did