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Bra » Sans Complexe » Arum (70564) » 85D » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band95.0
Band Length61.5
Stretch ratio1.5
Cup width13.2
Cup depth21.0
Depth ratio1.6
Wire length18.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation5.0
Gore height0.0
Wing height0.0
Strap width1.4
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Didn't fit

Sans Complexe is a French lingerie brand which started in 1997 and is specialised in bigger sizes for curvier women.

*The sizes are based on the French system, which is slightly different from the European system and closer to the British one in that you are supposed to add a few centimeters to your underbust measurement to get your band size.
Of course, it doesn't work for most French brands, but there are litterally no sizes outside the standard ones.

Sans Complexe proposes these sizes :
32 B - F (2 bras)
34 B - F
36 B - F
38 B - F
40 B - D
42 B - D
44 C -D

In most French brands, I wear a 32D which tends to be slightly small in the cup (but not necessarily small enough to wear a DD cup) and a bit too big in the band depending on the fabric.

Now, while this brand seems to be greatly approved by most curvier women in my country for its prices and sizes, I don't find it to be so great.

First, the fabric is very stretchy all over. I was afraid it would be too tight as I had read many reviews mentioning that fact, but this bra is definitely too stretchy.
*The band is way too big and provides no support, it can actually stretch up to 37inches and it's new.
*The cups are also very stretchy, which isn't bad considering that for once my boobs aren't really cut by the fabric when I move. I got some slight red marks on them were an elastic seam is, that's all.
*The straps are too long for me, as with most French bras, you can only adjust them a bit so it won't show on your shoulders or the front. It may be more appealing aesthetically, but I find it to be extremely annoying as a short woman.

Also, I find the fabric to be very itchy at times and my breasts are too widely spaces in it. They look a bit pointy and strangely thin, it's not attractive, but it's not surprising either considering that it's definitely the wrong size.

I would suggest that women who are in France and want to try this brand only go for it if they really are a bit overweight or have a wider ribcage.

Updated on Jan 08, 2013 Flag this

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Fit information

On Mar 2012

Strap separation:
Not a problem
Straps adjustment:
Straps don't adjust short enough
Cups separation:
Too separate for my boobs
Band fit:
The band is definitely too big

This bra didn't fit her, but these did