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Here's my boob story!
My first "fitting" bra was a 32dd from Fredrick of Hollywood when I was ... 16. I've always struggled with my bands riding & the clasps coming undone when I moved a certain way.

Fast forward a few years & I discover that bands in a 30 exist! I didn't think it was possible! Besides my cups were too small, now it's shopping time! I got a few 30e's.

Now at this point I'm 21 & life decides to throw a little curve ball at me. Baby time! My boobs got crazy big! My band at the time is kind of a mystery. I fluxed between 32 & 34 but my cup was at an g/h/I.

Breast feeding & huge weight loss (too much actually, I was down to 90 lbs) & weight gain (getting back to my previous pregnancy weight) made it hard to wear anything but sports bras for the last 1.5 years.

Now that I'm at the end of the weaning presses I've been able to look into getting new bras. Thank the Boobie Gods that I found ABRATHATFITS on reddit & subsequently brarabase because I now know my REAL size!

I'm happy to be a 28g!

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  1. From United States of America
  2. Joined 10 years, 7 months ago
  3. Last visited 3 years, 5 months ago

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