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Bra Knowledge » Scoop and swoop » Versions » Scoop and swoop as of 2016-06-23 00:55:14.649505

Scoop and swoop is a way of adjusting your boobs from your sides to the center to ensure that all your breast tissue is contained in the bra cups.

How to

After you put on your bra bend forward slightly at your waist. Insert your hand under your bra cup on the side of your breast and scoop all your breast tissue from under your armpit to the front. Repeat for your other breast. Stand up straight again Optionally, after doing this in case there's a bit of tissue escaping on the front or top you can swoop back lightly bu inserting your hand on the top of your cup to smooth out your fit. Make sure not to scoop your breasts back!

When to do it

You should do this for every bra you wear. Incorporate it as part of your daily bra wearing routine.

Where it shines

If you feel that the top of the cup is empty as soon as your try a bra on, scooping will bring all your breast inside the cup revealing a correct fit and potentially filling out the top of the cup.

If you get sore breast tissue from wearing your bra on the sides of your breasts, may mean that your underwire is sitting on top of your boobs under your armpit. Scooping all your tissue inside the cup will help to reveal if the bra you are wearing has the right cup width for you.


Doing this you ensure that all your breast tissue is inside your bra cup and will reveal if your cup size is correct. If you get a fair amount of boob overflow, it means that your cups are too small.

Failing to scoop may leave breast tissue under your arms and the bra's wire sitting over it.. You should make t his part of your routing for wearing a bra.