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Bras » Bravissimo » Thea (AU44) » 28H 28:11

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band75.9
Band Length60.4
Cup width16.5
Cup depth27.0
Wire length25.0
Cup height20.0
Cup separation2.0
Gore height5.5
Wing height10.5
Strap width1.7

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  1. 6

    Didn't fit

    A note: my tag on this one says AU11 although it *is* the Thea bra.

    Thea is Bravissimo's non padded plunge bra, and I will say it does seem to suit a FOB shape as any upper fullness (if soft) will get cut in severely. It looks great tho, gives a slightly minimised look, and there's really not that much lift so it's more a natural shape.

    The coverage is very plungey--meaning there's really not much of it which is fine. I wanted a plunge. However the cups are too small on my larger side and the lace is cutting in some. Like I said, if your tissue is soft ... and you have any upper fullness, this will happen. The lace has some give, so I think it would play really really well with firmer tissue.

    The band is typical Bravissimo--a 28 is more of a slightly tighter 30. Bravissimo is often praised for being one of the rare manufacturers that does almost all their bras up to a 28KK or something, but to me that is deceptive... all Bravissimo bras I tried ran loose in the band. So a 28H is a very comfortably snug band on me. I think I gained some cm in the underbust too so that is very telling.

    Wires are slightly on the wider side, but no problem for me. If I went up a cup size though, I think it would be too wide wires. I also think it would be much too large on my smaller side, as is obvious from the photos, it's already gaping slightly (that is not in cup quadding, but in fact the lace is completely loose on my smaller side).

    I had this bra a long long time ago in a very wrong size but I liked it back then, which is why I set out on a mission to find it again. The bra is still very pretty and a non padded plunge that is actually a plunge with low gore is quite a find imho. I even like the shape it gives, but unfortunately, atm it doesn't seem to fit on my larger side which is a big issue for me right now--my asymmetry seems to have...increased? Can I use that word? The difference between the smaller and larger side seems to be bigger now whereas it was just a cup or two before, and it's greatly affecting the fit of any bra I try on these days.

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    Updated on Feb 02, 2019 Flag this

    • 1

      I was going to say I saw in cup quadding. Boy photos can be deceptive sometimes! Sorry hormone flux is increasing your asymmetry issue. :-/ Do you feel that is due to going off the pill?

    • 2

      I honestly don't know, I think it might take a while for my hormones to balance themselves out, couple of months at least.
      But if the larger side really continues growing I'm going to get an ultrasound just to make sure nothing funky is going on...

    • 1

      I hope it all balances out soon. Big hugs. 💙

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