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Bra » Gemm » (LG900) » 34F » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band81.0
Band Length71.0
Stretch ratio1.1
Cup width17.0
Cup depth32.0
Depth ratio1.9
Wire length32.0
Cup height22.0
Cup separation2.5
Gore height11.0
Wing height9.0
Strap width2.3
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Didn't fit

Ready for a bra review from a bra I bought (& received) in Nov 2021? Sometimes I just put something in a drawer, and then forget about it! I got this bra from eBay, this store Even though I tried it on in 2021, I never wore it b/c it did not fit. If you look at the fit on the model, I would say her fit & my fit are very similar. There is some wrinkling in the cups.

As far as comfort, this is actually pretty good for a bra this affordable. Even though I marked a number of fit issues in my review, they're more like "fit quibbles" (that's a term I stole from Erica at A Sophisticated Notion (here is a link to her blog because - they don't really limit wearing the bra. The only issues that keep me from wearing the bra in my regular rotation; I believe the band is too loose for me, it's a 34, and probably better for a person who needs a 34. I just wanted to try out this bra because I had recommended it to someone (LOL) as an affordable option. She lives in the U.K.

This probably is my favourite UK bra that I've ever tried on, that's not saying a lot because I "went Polish" early on in my proper bra-fitting journey (or, my bra odyssey, lol). There's more room for upper fullness in this bra than what I need. Even though there's wrinkles, it's not really a fit issue for me, the fit issue that prevents me from wearing the bra: the shoulders straps are just too wide to be comfy on me. However, this is one band size too big as well.

I'm not sure if this would be a good bra for a petite person unless she had broad shoulders. This is a solid bra for this price point. When I bought these bras the price was GBP 14.95. the shipping for two bras (to Canada) was GBP 11.00 (approx). Like the other reviewer said, these are "a lot of bra." Not bad for a budget brand, not bad for a budget brand. These do run large in the cup though. If I had to go down in cup size, it would be 34/75 E, but I imagine that cup would be too small. I still feel supported, it's comfy for a UK brand (I don't know how to judge UK brands because I've never had one that really worked for me, so I hate them all now). It does have more itch than any Polish bra I've ever tried on - again, I don't how to judge that, since I've found all UK bras itchy. I also have like 10/10 sensitive skin, fwiw.

The straps are thick and you don't usually get that in a budget brand, so that's nice. The way the gore is - kind of a thicker gore - gives a slight east-west projection, but not as bad as the Freya fancies that I tried on. Also, the cup shape is a little upturned, but I'm not sure if I can really judge it because my boobs don't really fill out the top and my shape is FOB (if that makes sense).

If you need really long straps, I wonder if you will have difficulty with this bra because I put the straps all the way to the longest they would go for my comfort, and I'm 5'7, but I don't know how the straps progress (like, I don't know how they sew them) as you go up the bra alphabet & band numbers. It's possible they make the straps longer the larger the cup & band size.

overall, this bra is a pretty good design though, it's pretty minimizing.

Here's a bratabase bra review on this brand

Wine colorway

Updated on Oct 14, 2023 Flag this

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Fit information

On Apr 2023

top of cup not really a problem, it's more room for upper fullness than what I need but it's still supported. A few wrinkles in the cup. IDK if a smaller cup would fit me better? I would have to go down to an E cup. I think this brand probably runs tight in the band.

Strap separation:
Are too far apart
Top of the cup:
Wrinkles, can't quite fill it
Band fit:
The band is definitely too big
Cup's width:
There is empty fabric on the sides (Cup too wide)

This bra didn't fit her, but these did