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Bra » Gossard » Gypsy High Apex Plunge (11117) » 30DD » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band81.5
Band Length61.3
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width14.8
Cup depth17.2
Depth ratio1.2
Wire length22.0
Cup height15.1
Cup separation2.6
Gore height3.9
Wing height0.0
Strap width1.0
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For reference, I am petite (5'1"), wide-set, with lots of tissue in the armpit area, and shallow.

The Gypsy 30D has removable inserts but the 30DD does not. I don't know why bra manufacturers have decided that if you wear a DD, you don't need removable inserts anymore. *eyeroll*

What I noticed about the 30DD (I own a 30D in another color) is that the wings come up much higher into my armpits. The wires are an ok length and there's no digging, but there's some extra fabric that gets itchy and uncomfortable if I wear this all day. If I were to guess, manufacturers of bras also assume that a larger bra size is worn by a taller person. It seems to be an ongoing theme with any of these "high apex" style plunges, regardless of the manufacturer.

Fuschia colorway

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Sep 05, 2021 Flag this

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