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Sudden Clarity Clarence moment » All bra adventures


Sudden Clarity Clarence moment

Found this review of the Cleo Maddie by peanuts4:

"This bra is often touted as being great for shallow breasts, which I thought I had. Apparently I do not, because the top edges of this bra stuck out and the large gap shows under my shirt. Normally this would be due to the bra being too small [sic???]; however, the cup depth on this Maddie measures 6.3 inches. [...] My actual breast perimeter, braless, is close to 8". Therefore, I believe that my boobs are forcing the cups to stick outward because they can't fit into the stiff cup material."

Until reading this, it never even occurred to me that gapping (is it "gapping" or "gaping"!?) could be due to the bra being too stiff and shallow rather than too big. It's not the same as orange in a glass because the entire boob is in the cup, but pushing the cup outwards and causing gapping at the top.

In fact, I had the Maddie in 28D which I tried on and promptly returned (without measuring it or taking pictures because I make poor decisions sometimes), figuring it must just be way too big or too tall for me because I got gapping at the top. Just like with the Freya Deco Delight in 28D, this could be alleviated temporarily by scooping and swooping which made everything look like it fit -- until I moved. I thought the gapping was just my boobs sliding out of the cup into my armpits. Now I wonder if they're actually sliding down within the cup trying to maintain their natural shape, only to end up being flattened rather than lifted, and forcing the cup outwards at the top.

Am I wrong or is this something everyone but me already knew?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jun 04, 2015 Flag this


  • Which Maddie did you try exactly?

    The continuity style Maddie (black, beige, solid colors) is known to be rather prone to gaping, unfortunately - unless somebody is full on top.

    The 'fashion' print version (animal print, Maddie Pop, Maddie Spot, Cleo Karen etc.) usually fits a lot better on those who don't have much upper fulness.

    This is simply because the cup rim is different in both versions. The solid version is VERY open on top. In the 'fashion' version, it is curved inwards slightly, and therefore creates a smoother, rounder look.

    I recommend trying the printed versions for those who have shallow boobs and experience gaping issues with the solid version.

  • Well, I never thought of that. I guess I haven´t had that issue..?
    I think it´s always nice, when someone writes about a fit issue, I didn´t know before. Very educational :)

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