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Katie Couric interviewing a plus size model » All bra adventures


Katie Couric interviewing a plus size model

I LOVE this - have you all seen it? She was in an ad in sports illustrated, I guess. I dont follow the fashion world at all, but I enjoyed this

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Feb 25, 2015 Flag this


  • I couldnt get it to post as a link, though. It would not submit until I put the link in the text instead of in the link section Jj

  • 67% of women are a 14 or higher?!
    Interesting, I really had no idea. (I come from a long line of very short, but not super slender women - my mom is the tallest of 9 sisters at 5'2" - and live in a fitness/outdoor oriented city, so that's probably why)
    I think this interview makes a big statement because it breaks the mold of bigger girls being unhealthy! That bothers me a lot because I personally know larger girls who are in much better shape than I am despite being clinically 'overweight' and me being the 'ideal' weight. That and the fact that taller women are bigger, that's just the way it goes (on average). It's not common for a 6' tall woman to be anything under a size 10. I'm probably super aware of that because my best friend is 5'10" and I'm 5'2" she and I both look 'healthy' but I'm a 2-4 and she's a 10-12.
    That and if we both gained 20lbs I would look 'chubby' and she would barely notice. That would put me into an 'overweight category on the BMI scale but I wouldn't fit into plus size clothing. I'd probably be a 6. If she lost 20lbs or even 40lbs she probably would never fit into a size 6 or even 8. So she is doomed to being plus size because of her frame and I will likely always fit into 'normal' sizes even if I become very overweight.
    Sorry about the accidental rant! lol

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