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history of bras: the seamed comeback! » All bra adventures


history of bras: the seamed comeback!

When the form that most represents the modern form of the bra appeared in history, it was a seamed cup bra. That was the game changer.

And now in the mainstream, we are only seeing moulded, padded domes.

And then, in extended sizes, the seamed bra is everywhere again!

History really does repeat itself, huh? :P


I'm doing lots of research on bra physics and got into bra history. It's super fascinating! I will post some cool things later--look out for it!

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Feb 25, 2015 Flag this


  • I wonder if the sea of foam domes in the mainstream 'standard size matrix' are indicative of a desire for sameness/uniform boobs or just because it's easier to make those and have them be the only option for women in the standard sizing range?

    Will they at some point decide that foam domes aren't all that great? If the major brands don't listen to that group of customers like they more or less ignore the non-matrix bra wearers then they have only themselves to blame when they've got billions of foam domes that aren't selling anymore. Of course I'm going to be pissed if they do pay attention and actually make some changes because of the matrix-ers bra preferences, but that's a war for another day.

  • valentine556

    It's a production thing. It's a lot easier and cheaper to make a foam dome than it is to cut fabric and stitch it together to make a 3-dimensional object (seamed cup). A foam doam is, from their point of view, a 1-part and 1 step per cup (even though it has 3 or more layers) production problem.

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