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I love this brand » All bra adventures

I love this brand

but there no my size....
and I wish I could wear some kinds of like this in my size range

bit kinky and BDSM style(?)
like Mr.Grey style I guess hahahahahaha
Go check out and please tell me how do you think about it

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Feb 13, 2015 Flag this


  • It's more like S&M Lite. Or Barbie does S&M. 'nuff said.

  • Honestly, I've been to have a stickybeak in one of their storefronts when they opened in the shopping centre near me and the stuff is really just uninspired, heavily padded, moulded styles, which mostly look like they have the same moulded cup (the plunge with the scalloped cut-out is marginally more interesting, but not really). The materials don't look very luxe or anything. It didn't look to me like they were especially worth paying the high price tag. It's like the company is hoping that Australian women will just buy the bras at a higher price point because they're 'sexy lingerie' and that's not something which has previously been very common in shops.

    If you really love that kind of thing, I'd go for a nice black or red number from somewhere like Ewa Michalak or Kris Line, and get a garter belt or harness from an Etsy store. It wouldn't work out much more expensive and would be comfy and well fitting enough that you could wear the bra for everyday as well if you wanted.

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