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Sumissura (formerly known as Tailor4less Women) » All bra adventures


Sumissura (formerly known as Tailor4less Women)

Anyone here have any experience with this company? Not cheap, but I really like what they have to offer.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jan 24, 2015 Flag this

  • But not really expensive either. I'd love for you to try them out and report back.

  • No, not expensive either, I guess. I'm generally not very knowledgeable about the cost of clothes, especially anything half-way decent. I've worn jeans and tees for so long that I get sticker shock when I look at a nice blouse or pair of slacks! *lol*

    I'd love for me to try them out, too, but I've been losing weight and I really don't want to invest too much money in my current size. Maybe I should set up a GoFundMe thingie. *laughing*

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