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More adventures in washing » All bra adventures


More adventures in washing

So, it was time to wash my bras again. I was determined to do it in the washing machine, since it has a 'hand-wash' setting. I put 3 of them in mesh bags, and closed all hooks (might have forgotten the one not in the bags, not sure).

Take them out of the wash - only the Marci is still closed. Seriously?

But the most entertaining bit - i was googling about washing bras before I started, just to sure . . . one article said you should never hang your bras to dry from the straps, because that might stretch them out.

Sorry, but if the weight of ITSELF is too much for my bra's straps, there is NO WAY it could handle my boobs!

Still, i hung them across the hangers, sort of hanging by the gore.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Dec 15, 2014 Flag this


  • I usually just hand them clipping one strap to a washing line.

  • My thought on hanging from the straps when wet is that fabrics tend to be more prone to stretching and damage when wet. "Wet stretching" is a common technique for socks which are too tight at the tops; you stretch the tops while wet so they'll dry looser.

    I imagine it doesn't do too much harm to the bra since they're not that heavy, even wet, but I've never really done a comparison. I have a drying rack so all my bras get hung by the gore anyway.

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