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Nov 21, 2014 » All bra adventures


Nov 21, 2014

Mysteries of the world: My boobs edition. I find projection to be mysterious. My apex is pretty low, my roots pretty high. I have no crease at the bottom of my boob. However, almost all bras seem to do that flattening/wire pushdown thing, except for FOB bras, which, of course, have the apex way higher than mine. And projected bras have space to snuggle a puppy at the apex, of course.

I am somewhat sensitive in the bottom/center boob area (cysts/fibroadenomas (not cancerous)), so I can't take the pushing up feeling of these tight undersides, when I get them into my crease. I can wear the pushy-uppy/very shallow underside bra for about 1/2 hour and then horrid pain sets in (Cleo Neve!). I need Lucy bottom with Marcie top with all the space at the center. I know the grass is always greener, but I'm so jealous of you ladies with the 'puddling boobs' that go where you put them. Mine certainly look better and less mushy in a bra, but they DO NOT go where I want them to!

Going to try to research these tall roots friendly bras some more. Hard when I can't do any amazon ordering right now, but I have to try. I went to Nordies and tried on what bras I could in larger sizes, to no avail. Small ones don't fit, larger doesn't fit. Must be the shape.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Nov 21, 2014 Flag this


  • I think I have tall roots too.
    I like the Marcie for bottom and central projection. And it just seems to lay flat against the top part where I think I have tall roots. Not really sure about that but from what I've read it sounds like I do.

  • tall roots here, and what i believe to be a short apex. you sound like my boob twin! aside from the issue you have with cysts- i fortunately do not. they sound no fun :(

    half cups are probably going to be the best bet, especially if your roots/upper tissue is shallow and not very projected. thats my shape, and i can never fill out the top portion of any balconette bras. the issue i can see is that most of the half cup bras have wide wires, and not a lot of lower projection. most of mine still scoot down a bit during the day, but it doesnt currently cause me much discomfort so im learning to deal with it for now. i hope you find success soon!

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