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My mom my mom my mom » All bra adventures


My mom my mom my mom

She's been a Genie Bra devotee for years now, but gets upset by those when the internal cookies get all screwy (she puts her bras in both machines religiously). Each time we're folding laundry together and she has to spend five minutes fixing her cookies, I always poke a little fun at her, "Ah, the machines strike again!". I suggested those wash balls for her, since her bras would be small enough to fit in one. She's always been super picky with her tata holders. They must be padded (so no one knows when she's cold), and smooth (seams are BAD). She hates her favourite bras though, because they always get screwy in the machines, and she absolutely refuses to handwash. I even offered to do all the bras in the house once we're living together with my sister and her family in ten months, but that didn't gain a favorable reaction at all.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Oct 08, 2014 Flag this

  • Buy her some wash balls/bags as a gift? My mum stubbornly sticks to her unpadded cotton softcups, but since she discovered the hooks get caught on things and come off in the machine, she's actually started closing the clasps and washing all her bras in bags. She still puts them in the dryer, though, which is a whole other road to cross...

  • Thank goodness for my washing machine that has specialty settings but isn't a front-loader! I only have one bra with cookies, but the cookies have since been discarded because they're so darn impractical not to mention unnecessary in a bra I only wear around the house. Most of my laundry gets done in a few massive loads separated by light, dark, and whites/towels. But in the interest of extending their useful life expectancy, my bras are bagged and washed in separate mini-setting hand-wash setting loads; one for nude and light colors, and a second for the dark colors and brights prone to color bleed. Brights are put through a couple wash cycles a-la-sink by themselves first so they don't pick up each other's dye.

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