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Some people want to stay in ill-fitting bras, I guess » All bra adventures


Some people want to stay in ill-fitting bras, I guess

I hate to vent here but I can't believe the gall -- I offered to order and send an Ewa Michalak to a person on the /r/ABraThatFits subreddit *at no cost to her* because she's in a very difficult size range, and this is one of the last remaining obvious options for her. I think she'd rather stay in her poorly fitting bras because she kept making up excuses about how they wouldn't fit her or wouldn't work because seams can't show through her shirt. There is literally no risk -- all I asked was that if it didn't fit, for her to pass it on on /r/RandomActsOfBras. Whyyyy

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Oct 08, 2014 Flag this


  • Her loss, you were very thoughtful and generous to make that offer.

  • I don't think it is fair to judge her, personally I just wouldn't be comfortable accepting such a generous gift because it would make me feel like a charity case. I know it's irrational but there you go. I have noticed a lot of people react the same way as me. Sometimes when someone is offering you "too much" help it makes you feel bad. People are entitled to their feelings, as crazy as they may be!

    In the past I have fudged the truth a little bit about the value or effort involved in what I was offering someone. So instead of telling them I was buying the item specially, I would say "I bought this and it doesn't fit me or anyone I know, I seriously don't know what to do with it, I don't have teh patience to list it for sale, I just want it to go to a good home" and that made it easier for them to accept.

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