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Creative ways to alter a band down? » All bra adventures

Creative ways to alter a band down?

So, I took a risk ordering an EM CH in a band size up. It fits really well when on the tightest hooks, and not as well on the looser ones. I'd like to alter the band down but would like something a bit more creative than the tuck and resew method. Any ideas?

EDIT: I do NOT need to learn *how* to shorten a band. I am looking for cool things I can do to shorten it.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Oct 04, 2014 Flag this


  • Take a look at the Bra Alterations page, there are some links there for band alteration.

  • That page unfortunately just tells me different ways to make it shorter -- I'd like to make it shorter *and* prettier, if that makes sense.

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