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Selling Urkye tops sizes 40 oo/ooo and 42 oo/ooo » All bra adventures

Selling Urkye tops sizes 40 oo/ooo and 42 oo/ooo

Hey, I've put some of my Urkye tops up at eBay. They're all practically new, only been used a few times and in some case, never been worn. I bought too much when I first found them and got excited and now I'm starting to notice what I wear and never wear...(just bought from Biu Biu for the first time and I am trying to offset the cost).

I've attached a link to a collection I made of what I'm selling. I'm open to offers within a few dollars or so.

Also, I have a few other of the tuba tops in various colors as I mention in those listings. I'm open to selling them if anyone is interested. I have a lot of stuff I wouldn't mind letting go actually but this is a good start.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Sep 10, 2014 Flag this

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