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Need help finding a closer match for 38H/38HH » All bra adventures


Need help finding a closer match for 38H/38HH

My current favorite bra is the Elomi Jodi 38H (UK). I know it's not perfect as its definitely still uncomfortable at times, but its been manageable so far. I think it's getting to be time to find a new one though. I am looking for one that has a flatter wire under the boob and is more projected. Ideally my perfect bra would also have a shorter and narrower gore and the straps would be closer in but that might be asking for too much and after fixing the other more pressing issues these might not be a problem. The gore doesn't tack and I'll have quad boob if I don't squish them back in after scooping and swooping but there is some space after wearing it between the wire and where my boob ends up (which I think means I'm more projected than the bra is allowing and the wire isn't as flat as my IMF). I do own and wore for a while Elomi Carmen and Elomi sports bra, both are 38GG and it took me a while to realize that's too small. As I type all this out I'm wondering if I should just go up a cup size? I don't think that'll solve all the problems but it might be the best I can do. I'm not too sure how user interactions on this website works but all of the measurements for my Elomi Jodi are entered. All the generated recommendations (only 3) on here have a really high gore which I know is not comfortable for me. And it seems to be underestimating my size this time (previously it has recommended 38JJ which was huge on me) Any recommendations or things to help narrow my search are appreciated! Brand names, styles, keywords to help in my search

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Feb 20, 2022 Flag this

  • Hello. I don’t have any experience with Elomi, but trying a cup up may help you further evaluate and asses your current fit issues. If you’re looking for a lower narrower gore in a bra, Ewa Michalak makes a new PLM style that is very low plunge and the straps can be crossed in the back. Hopefully someone with more knowledge can chime in and provide more help. :)

  • Have you tried sculptresse chi-chi? My favorite now are Gorsenia but haven’t found anything w straps close enough.

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