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Replacing wires to help with wire width » All bra adventures


Replacing wires to help with wire width

I am not very crafty. I'm very frustrated with my bra situation, which is ridiculous given the amount of bras I own. Right now my best fitting bras are two different Elomi Tia bras but of course the wires are too wide on both. If I just take the wires out and put in wires that are at least shorter from another bra, will that, I don't know, work? I realize the correct thing to do would be to take in the bra or adjust the actual wire channels somehow, but I fear that's outside of my wheelhouse. I hope that question even makes sense. Thanks, y'all.

Filed under Bra alterations

Shared on Mar 15, 2021 Flag this


  • I know cupandahalf does this. They haven't logged in a while, but they might be able to help.

  • bustyand Yeah, I admit their profile was the first place I went and I was bummed to see they haven't been around in a minute. Which is cool! Life happens, I just hope everything is okay with them.

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