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Aug. 15, 2017 » All bra adventures


Aug. 15, 2017

OK, here's a question for everyone...
What is the best way to determine root width? I ask this because when I am standing straight I have a wide root (ideally wires are most comfortable for me at 5.75" wide, so not super wide). But when I lean forward they take on the shape of thin torpedoes, with lots of forward projection. However I am definitely not pendulous. Rather, settled from age.
My root height is relatively short when standing, but appears much taller when leaning. Proportionately, it's like they are horizontal ovals when standing, and vertical ovals when leaning. In other words, I appear FoB when standing, but FoT when leaning.
I ask this question because it is very difficult for me to find ANY bra that doesn't gape when I move around.
Suggestions anyone?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Aug 15, 2017 Flag this


  • This is me :-) Are you also center full? I gently support and press my breast and look for a crease along the outer edge. But, I also have shallow tissue three inches up from my IM F that are wider still.

  • If you're talking about the base of the root--like how wide your breast is where it is attached to your body, the width that your underwires need to match or exceed to avoid resting on tissue--then the best method is to cup or support the breast with one hand and feel how far the tissue still extends onto your sides.

    You can have relatively "long"- looking breasts with a narrowish mass projecting out from the body, while still having a wide breast base and/or a certain amount of breast tissue wrapping around your side, which will make narrow wires uncomfortable.

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