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Bra » Freya » Arabella Plunge Balcony Bra (5721) » 28DD » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band82.6
Band Length62.2
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width12.1
Cup depth18.4
Depth ratio1.5
Wire length19.1
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.5
Gore height5.1
Wing height6.4
Strap width1.9
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Used to fit

I tried a 30D in this first, and didn't get a good fit. This is a lot closer, and my larger breast seems to fill the cup pretty nicely. It just doesn't have that all around fit I'd like to see. The wing is a little scratchy on my occasional eczema, which I don't notice until I take the bra off. It is pretty supportive, and I still wear it on days to feel extra pretty. However, it doesn't make me feel good enough to be a go to bra more often. It does give nice lift. The profile is pointy compared to my other bras, but not in an torpedo way. It looks great under sweaters and thicker shirts, and it brings everything around front like it should.

Fits better a few pounds heaver now, but my smaller breast still leaves a few wrinkles in the cup. If I tuck a thin pad in, it looks great.

Updated on Jun 24, 2013 Flag this

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Fit information

On Mar 2016

Underwire length:
Is too short on the side, boobs escape
Top of the cup:
Cuts into breast tissue (quad boob effect)
Cup's width:
Outer cup cuts into breast tissue in the sides

On Jun 2013 It fit her!

Bras that fitted her next to this