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Bra » Cleo » Chloe (6601) » 28DD » Bras » Owner


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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length0.0
Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width0.0
Cup depth0.0
Depth ratio0.0
Wire length0.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height0.0
Wing height0.0
Strap width0.0
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The cup of this bra fits absolutely perfectly. Lately I have been getting cutting in or gaping on the top of all soft cup bras. I love the cleo bras, but it's always one or the other (cutting in or gaping space). This bra has an amazing smooth line, I love it.

However, the band of this bra looks horrible when I wear it. The band has two hooks, which already can cause backfat problems. The band seems to made of basic elastic and cheap fabric, so my skin moulds around the two bands of elastic, and it creates the most unappealing backfat that shows up through everything. I have tried using an extender, but I lose support, and I have tried the tightest hook, and the problem doesn't change. I really don't like band fabric that has a lot of give. I find the fabric gives more than the elastic, and it doesn't hold my skin nice and flat. (Sorry if that's too much gross backfat information.) I prefer bands that don't give or stretch much- masquerade anise for example.

So for those reasons, I have a great fitting bra in the cup, but I never wear it because I have better options that don't leave me with bra lines under my clothes.

Updated on Feb 24, 2013 Flag this

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