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argghhhh » All bra adventures



So out of curiosity I put on my 34J Cleo Hettie. And it fits. Like yeah it's too big in the band and I get slight wrinkle in bottom of cup and the shape is not my ideal but it fits. 32J? Band fits.. no wrinkle, slightest quadding. Feels super uncomfortable though like wearing a straight jacket lol. But yeah my boobs fits in the cup, although it's being squished into a different shape..

Tango 34J that I was having spillage and no gore tacking just a few weeks ago? none of that now. Now there's some gaping in the top again.Jasmine 36J floating gore for weeks? Nah today we are tacking with some wrinkles in the top WOO!

So now suddenly I'm fitting into sizes that I haven't been in ages? Bras that were floating gores now fit great?

How can I fluctuate so much? Also, I'm on my period now, so I should be bigger now than usual, if anything?!?! Wtf is going on! AHHHH!

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jul 30, 2020 Flag this


  • Oh my! That's awesome that some of your old bras fit again! :) Actually I can so relate to that! I often try on old bras just to find out something fits that has not fitted 1 month before and other wise trying on bras in the morning and nothing fits.
    Sometimes the gores float for other reasons thatn a cup being too small. If a band or cup too large it can float too... or if the shape isn't right or the wires have been bent.

    Often I think bras are just evil. I mean so many times a bra looked like a great fit, it even felt comfortable when I wore it for (1 h trial ) but as soon as I removed the tag - it didn't fit at all and was uncomfortable as hell. (Best would be to try new bras 1 day - but that's not possible if you want to return it ) So your bras seem to have overcome their evil phase and fit you again :D

    I wonder if bra size (weight?) fluctuations are more common in larger sizes?

  • I save all my faves that dont quite fit and try them on every few months. I tell myself I'm saving money that way lol its sooo frustrating though. I feel like I've gone back and forth so many times as I learn more about a good fit and my breast shape. It's a constantly moving target!

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