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Reference Sizes? » All bra adventures

Reference Sizes?

Hey Jj

I've been wondering if something is up with the reference sizes calcuations? I have noticed a couple weeks back that my reference size on my public profile was showing 34:11 although all of my fitting bras are 32:8 or 32:9, sometimes 34:7 or 8 depending on brand. Today when I looked at my public profile, I see my reference size is shown as 36:11.

When I go to recommendations, the reference sizes seem to be more in order - 32FF -32G-34FF-34G, etc. which seem spot on.

I'm curious why my reference size on the profile seems off and keeps getting bigger.

Filed under Bratabase

Shared on Aug 13, 2019 Flag this

  • The reference size is a very very basic average of the bands and the cups (independently and then put together) of the bras you've added. It does not contain any special sauce to calculate that. It's purpose is to allow the size and you to identify yourself as a reference size.
    The site dumbly obtains one based on bra info but you can set it yourself here - The idea is that this is the size you "identify as".

    The recommendations use data from a bunch of places and relate it with all the other users' data on the site to obtain a set of recommendations you should get on each brand and on each model. The final "32FF-34G" range suggestions you see is a summary of the sizes you've been recommended. This computation is much more complex and takes a few seconds to obtain on demand only after you've entered breast measurements. The summary was only added because users ached to be displayed a **bra size** without any relationship to a particular brand or model as standard calculators do (something that cannot be purchased). But the real recommendations is the list of models in each particular size that you get suggested.

  • Thanks for the explanation. I get that people "just want to know their size" :)
    Now I'm wondering if I've made some measuring typos if its based on the bras that I've entered. It's just weird that the average isn't near what I'm actually wearing.

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