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Bra fitting help » train wreck wire not in IMF among other issues

Panache » Tango Ii Plunge Bra (3256) » 32G 32:9

Shape mismatch and possibly wrong size. I'm splayed and inner full/bottom full. My IMF is in another zip code from my boobs. I don't think there's enough projection, especially closer to the gore, but I feel uncertain and have been getting conflicting feedback over time about what I need or what shape and width I have. I'm wide set (3 fingers at top, hand's width at bottom) with triangle shaped splayed cleavage. I tried hiking the bra up into my IMF and it immediately slipped down. I haven't found a bra that sits in my IMF yet. The ABTF calculator initially told me I was 32FF, but they were all too small. My right breast is at least 2 cup sizes smaller and someone rec'd trying to measure as if boobs were the same size which got me to 32G/32GG. My tissue is very soft so it sort of flows where ever it has room to. In this bra and many others--that creates an unattractive lower side bulge and sort of pulls the cups into a football shape.

I'm at a loss. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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