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Bra size... » All bra adventures


Bra size...

If you could choose your bra size, what would you pick? And what size are you wearing now?

I'm currently a 32K/KK and if I could choose I'd like to be a 30J/32J which was my size 2 years ago when I started to get into bra fitting and at the same time I'd want to have all the knowledge and body positivity I've gained in those two years :) I really used to hate my curvy figure but now I am quite happy with it.
In general I just wish there were more bras and better options in my current size.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Aug 06, 2014 Flag this


  • Ahh what an interesting question! Needing a band size that barely exists (26), I have thought so many times how much easier the whole thing would be if only I just had a bigger band size. But honestly, given the chance, I wouldn't change it. I've also let go of most of the negativity I used to have about my body. I have often wished I was curvier, but I just have to see that my curves are there, even if on a very small frame. And yeah, clothes are a pain but I'm learning to sew which is fun. Despite the negatives I embrace being small. It's who I am... I can either spend my life hating it or do my best to see it in a positive light. It's the bra manufacturers and so-called professional fitters whom I'd love to change!!

    I must admit though, if I could make lefty as big as righty I would in a heartbeat :(. Even though I know that nearly all women have asymmetrical boobs and a size difference, I'm still pretty self conscious about it. Plus, from a purely practical POV, it also makes bra fitting more difficult!

  • I would be solidly under a G cup and take at least a 32 band and the options would be endless. (One can dream.)

    Emotionally it doesn't matter much to me, I think. I do notice that my boobs get more glances as I'm wearing better bras and migration makes them more apparent. Not a fan. I would feel weird it if they changed dramatically and quickly though.

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