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Which Size? » All bra adventures

Which Size?

Owing to some luck with listings, I've ended up with 3 Ewa Michalak Sm Be\u017cyk (389) in 3 different sizes in my hands. With all the reading I've done recently about people sizing up too much and using tight bands to compensate, I thought I'd try out some sizes which were possibly going to be too small with looser bands to see if it would help with any of my fit issues. All that's happened is that I am super confused. More puzzled than when I started out.

I got a 70J, 75J and a 65L, so I'm technically missing one cup volume in the middle, but I don't think that would be a better size. I've created an album with all 3 bras and recent photos, both clothed and just in the bra. I'm pretty sure this isn't supposed to be so stressful and confusing, so perhaps some objective eyes will help me figure out what's going on. Pictures are sorted smallest cup volume to largest. The 65L has been altered by me because I've kept that bra, and it was (a lot) too tall and the band was too long to be comfortable. The longer bands in the other two do compromise the support a bit, but because EM bras are so stretchy, they haven't really affected things too much when I have everything in place. I've figured out I definitely don't want a looser band, and that a reasonable amount of tension is necessary to keep my projected, heavy breasts in check.

My thoughts
70J- Cup Width: 15.6 cm, Cup Depth: 33.9 cm
The width on this bra is definitely the best. Everything seems to be encased with no space at the side of the bra. It's already too tall for me, there's space at the top side. Bra is far too shallow, giving me too-small bra cleavage. I know some people like this on occasion ;), but I'd feel seriously uncomfortable, and to be honest, I don't think that quadboob is ever particularly flattering.

75J- Cup Width: 15.9 cm, Cup Depth: 35 cm
There's a tiny bit of space at the sides of this bra and a reasonable amount at the top. It's still quite a bit too shallow and I spill into the middle. The bra also almost has the 'upside-down 7' which is more common in CK bras. I'm not sure how well I captured that in pictures. Quadboob still visible under a shirt, although I'm not seriously spilling out unlike the smaller size.

~Missing cup volume would go here~

65L (Altered)- Cup Width: 16.1 cm, Cup Depth: 35.9 cm
This is pretty much 'minimised' for me. My breasts don't really compress that much, and this is the closest I've got to managing them in this fashion, and it does odd things. Cup height isn't a huge problem because I removed the top triangle of fabric. I don't know how well I've captured it, but the seams of the cup cut in a bit, and there's this odd sort of flat plane across the front of my breasts.

So basically, all of the sizes seem to be wrong to me! I was really hoping that one of the sizes would be less wrong than the others, but I have no idea which one that is. This is about as narrow and deep as bras get in this size range, so I'm thinking I'm back at square one, which is 'I need to buy two bras and splice them together to get anything to fit', and that's completely cost ineffective. Either that or I need to sew the bras myself, and I still can't find anywhere which sells wires which have the right dimensions, so I'd be buying bras to get the wires to put in my own bras. I'd like some other eyes on this though. Does one of these sizes seem better than the others? This shouldn't be so difficult!

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jan 26, 2014 Flag this


  • Well now, this is baffeling.
    The thing is, 70J profile view is a perfect fit.
    Wires, shape, coverage. The works.

    The front and the semiprofile.. No go.
    The thing is, I feel like ideally you would need a bezyc that has wires and outter cup exactly like the 70J, but gore hight 1cm taller then 75J (so 75JJ i guess) but the coverage of a 75J.
    That said, I think that size (75J) isas good as it gets in this bra.
    I do see a hint of quad but I think it's bearable.

    So in theory, if you were to order a custom bra from ewa, I'd go with 65K S style with a custom higher gore.
    I say S because they are much more stable then sm.

  • I am in a different size range but see some similarities... I also escape or quad boon out the center with excess room on the outside where the strap meets the bra. As far as I can hypothesize, I think my roots are short as opposed to tall. So with support and good projection, the top of my boob goes out close to 90 degrees like you (vs a taller root which looks more like a backward C instead of a sideways U). In my case, I am also high set. So the apex of bras frequently are too tall/not aligned withy apex which lends itself toward the upside down 7 look. (And contributes to the bra migrating south as the apex of the bra tried to align wig my apex)...I think sometimes altering the bra like you have tried to do maybe the way to go.. I do find going tighter in the band works better than looser for me in terms of maintaining shape...

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