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All listings » 30G - Bravissimo » Lightly Padded Underwired Strappy Top (OV15)

Bravissimo Lightly Padded Underwired Strappy Top (OV15)

Exchange or sell USD $20.00


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Bought this for £27/$40 new, wore it around the house a couple of times. I've changed shape and size recently and it's now one of those bras/tops that just don't fit anymore :( The colour is a little less blue than it appears in the photos.

Would prefer a sale but I am open to exchanges (I have a 'Looking for' list and some more listed on my profile page)

Interested in: Looking for

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length63.0
Cup width15.0
Cup depth26.5
Wire length28.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.0
Gore height9.0
Wing height13.0
Strap width1.0

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Owner's review

Nothing too impressive here, bought at sale price as I was curious about it. I usually don't mind having my bra straps showing under strappy tops, as long as they're not hideous or boring (sometimes I even incorporate a bra with a matching/contrasting colour into my outfit, to make it interesting if it does peek out)

Pretty much does what it says on the tin, basically it's a stretchy strappy top with a padded bra inside. The bra itself is nothing special; it's too wide for my root, the band is a little too big/stretchy (ideally I would need a 28 band in this), and the wired gore ends ... about halfway up the cups, just like in the Panache Sports Bra (5021). The bit between the gore and the upper edge of the fabric sometimes folds over itself in a weird way and creates a little pocket between my boobs. Tightening the straps doesn't make a difference, really. The seams in the padding are visible through the top.

The shape it gives is alright. It okay in terms of support; there's lift, but the boobs are left to a natural teardrop type of shape.

Anyway, it's quite comfortable, and is suitable for lounging or casual outings like on the beach and similar places. I wouldn't exactly wear it for work or evenings out when I want to look my best (as in not a slouch), when I have bras that give a much better shape.

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Updated on Oct 10, 2014 Flag this

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