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All listings » 65K - Avocado » Essentia Bra (S192K)

Avocado Essentia Bra (S192K)

Exchange or sell USD $20.00

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Ships from Maine, United States of America

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  1. Exchange or sell $22.00 Closed on December 13 2018

Only tried on twice by me, once by previous owner. I truly love the design and feel of this bra, but it’s sadly several cup sizes too big for me. The pictures really don’t do this bra any justice - the lace detail and little key charm are stunning in person.

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band72.4
Band Length63.5
Cup width18.4
Cup depth29.2
Wire length31.1
Cup height22.2
Cup separation1.9
Gore height8.6
Wing height10.2
Strap width1.9

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Owner's review

NOTE: the cup width differs. The left cup is 7” wide, the right cup is 7.5” wide. The averaged measurement is what I recorded.

This was one of those rare times when something looks 100 times better in person than it does on the internet. The detail on this bra is GORGEOUS up close: I am so in love with the cute little key on the gore and the stretchy lace. The fabric of this bra is both stretchy and supportive, comfy and breathable, yet luxurious and fancy all at once. Honestly, this bra is both an everyday bra or/and a lacy bedroom bra, able to seamlessly transition ... into whatever role it needs to fill. It has a cute little line of elastic along the top of a cup that I LOVE LOVE LOVE having on bras. Aesthetically and style-wise, this bra is a slam dunk: 10/10.

However, this bra did not fit, for a lot of reasons. Although the band felt like it was exactly the right lengthand fit, the underwires painfully cut into my body underneath my boobs: there was no amount of shimmying that could fix it. I can only assume this is due to the shape of the bra’s wires: when you place this bra on a flat surface, its wires are completely flat against the surface while the band sticks out in a straight line with the bottom of the wires. In most bras, this doesn’t seem to be the case, and the band will angle away from the bottom of the wires, so perhaps this was the issue. Further, the gore came up way too high, and felt like it was forcing my boobs into a very east-west look as it drove them away from each other. The strap placement was so wide on my body that they only reach my shoulder on one side (the good shoulder), whereas the other just kind of dangles down. I could not fill this cup in any way, and it was comically huge on me in terms of depth, width, height, etc: it’s clearly off by more than a full cup size, in my humble opinion. My boobs also appeared to be heavy enough to cause the fabric to roll over itself, but this could also be a function of having zero support from straps and a massively too large cup size. The gore of this bra is also twisting heavily, such that it absolutely will not lie flat against my sternum and causes the cup to bend a little and lose support on the right side wher it meets the gore. The wire width and height were also more than I’d like, but wasn’t necessarily a problem, and was probably also an issue of a too-huge cup.

All in all though, I think I could really enjoy a bra with a cup like this that supports my boob while letting it take a natural shape. Even if this bra specifically is not going to work out, maybe another Avocado or similar style would. I’d need the straps much closer together, and perhaps a smaller cup size than I’d thought. Does anyone have any styles they’d especially recommend?

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Updated on Dec 18, 2018 Flag this

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