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All listings » 80J - Change Lingerie » Sofia Balconette

Change Lingerie Sofia Padded

Sale GBP £15.00

[Used] If shipping outside Europe, the price will be a bit higher b/c of shipping

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length80.0
Cup width21.5
Cup depth29.5
Wire length35.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.5
Gore height0.0
Wing height0.0
Strap width2.0

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Owner's review

I have identified the problem to it being too flat in the panels towards the middle (it is only the sheer top layer which has 3 parts, the cup it self is only 2 vertical) - this causes the wire-ends in the middle to be almost level with the peak of the boob! In other Change bras I am a J or K, but with this one, I would think I would need 3 sizes bigger! So, if you are full in the middle, get this in a bigger than usual! This is the second Sofia bra I have, and with both of them, the band gets loose quickly, so maybe get it a band-size smaller, and wear it with an extender for the first few times.
Other than that, I recommend it! The cups are good and firm, the band and straps are wide, and the lace is very cute, while still not being visible under a T-shirt.

Updated on Apr 19, 2012 Flag this

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