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Bra » Thirdlove » Shadow Stripe Plunge (10429023318) » 32F » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length0.0
Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width0.0
Cup depth0.0
Depth ratio0.0
Wire length0.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height0.0
Wing height0.0
Strap width0.0
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Didn't fit

Seems nice overall, but wasn't a fit for my shape. The point where the top of the cups meets the straps in the front is slightly too high and/or too wide, so that the fabric rubs against my armpits in a weird way. There's a small embroidered bit / stitch on the upper-outer part of the cups - only a half-cm long or so - that prevents the outer fabric from smoothing out along my shape. This caused the fabric to pull in a way that created an awkward fold of fabric near my armpits.

The underwire seemed to fit relatively well - the gore wasn't too tall, which is a problem I've had with some other thirdlove bras. There was some gapping along the inner edges of the cups, especially near the gore, although very minor - if I stood with my shoulders further back than normal, the gapping disappeared.

Visually, I didn't like the color (Atmosphere) as much as I had hoped; it was a bit dull when against my skin tone.

Overall, it was a close fit, but not enough of a 'win' for me to keep; I returned the bra.

Atmosphere colorway

Updated on Sep 12, 2021 Flag this

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Fit information

On Sep 2021

The point where the top of the cup meets the strap in the front is too far apart/too high - it rubs my armpits uncomfortably. There's also some gapping at the veery bottom of the cup, near the center/gore. This bra could have maybe worked, but it wasn't enough of a perfect fit to keep it. I returned it shortly after buying it.

Strap separation:
Are too far apart
Top of the cup:
Wrinkles, can't quite fill it

She hasn't added any bras that fit her correctly.