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Bra » Comexim » Yoko 1 » 70K » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band84.0
Band Length66.0
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width16.0
Cup depth27.5
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length28.0
Cup height20.5
Cup separation0.0
Gore height6.0
Wing height10.0
Strap width1.8
This bra's measurements have been altered
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Hasn't set fit

So, I finally got around to writing a (needlessly lengthy) review for my '2nd generation' Comexim Yoko, plunge style.

TL;DR: this Yoko Plunge is super nice, excellent quality, comfortable, true to size. The design remains timeless, gorgeous, unique and I love it. Some of my alteration requests were not honored / executed like I intended them though, luckily without causing major issues. Would like to try extra wire projection, if I were to buy this bra again.

General tip for buying Comexim: don't over-ask in the alteration department!

LOVE the brief in Princess/tanga style (as their szorty hurts my hip crease).
Hoping to happily wear this for the next 4+ years like I did with my 1st gen. Yoko!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The long version:

I refuse to call this bra by it's given name (Yoko 1) as this clearly should have been called 'Yoko 2' (or Yoko plunge or whatever, but NOT 'Yoko 1' as this is not the first incarnation of Yoko!) - call me silly, haha.

Anyhow, I previously reviewed my 4+ year old well-worn favorite bra; Yoko in 3HC (two seamed half cup) style:
I had been thinking how to make that bra last, or if I should order a replacement. Wasn't sure whether to go for the trusty 3HC (without lowered cups this time) or to ask if they would do a special order request for a plunge, because the Andromeda I purchased last summer actually worked out pretty well and I reached for it often.

Lo and behold, such coincidence: exactly around the time of my contemplations they spontaneously came out with a Yoko Plunge!
Meant to be, serendipity, bra fate - so during the Black Friday sale I jumped on board and ordered the Yoko Plunge, Red Panter ( and Wildcat ( They arrived somewhere in January and both this Yoko & Red Panter are definitely a win.

Alterations I asked for:
- straps moved in 2-3 cm,
- 3 hooks, 4 rows in the band
- band made in opaque / non-mesh material, if possible
- lowered and narrowed gore
- briefs in 'Princess' style (so more of a tanga brief)

Sooo this was actually a longer list of alterations than I had planned for; my bad, and no - it did not end perfectly.

With my first Comexim order in 2016, I suffered from 'over-altering' (like asking for lowered cups that turned out super duper low, and cookie pockets that I didn't need / never used). For this order I tried to avoid too many alteration requests, because:
a) it can make bras too small / the fit be 'off'
b) over-asking can cause random requests to get lost in translation
c) it seems unfair to ask for so much additional work from their sewing staff, especially at sale prices.

I did deliberately ask for the band not being mesh; because Yoko 3HC's band stretched out majorly (and quickly), and was less comfortable / supportive to me compared to firmer material double layer Comexim bands, like Talisman or Andromeda. This is not a standard alteration and they did email me to ask what I meant, and after some explanation they promised to make the band 'like the Black Basic Bra'. As I'd heard the Basic's band being described as firm, I agreed and thanked them.

The briefs style request was because I already owned the standard szorty that matches Yoko, and found them to uncomfortably dig into my hip crease.
So I hardly ever wore those, which is a shame when splurging on a matching set! Having wide-ish hips and a large-ish butt (measuring ~43" around) plus chunky thighs; boyshorts in general just don't work for me, while tanga briefs tend to fit way better, perhaps due to the more generous / open leg hole?

Alterations I got:
- straps are moved in, not sure by how much, but it works
- band only has 3 hooks, 3 rows ?!
- band material -sadly- seems very similar to my previous Yoko (but don't own a Basic to compare it to).
- gore seems lowered, as it measures 6 cm, compared yo my unaltered Andromeda's 7 cm.
- briefs in Princess style are perfect <3

What really did surprise me was the band closure not being 4x3 like I asked, but 3x3 instead ?
Because even my unaltered Andromeda has the 4x3 hooks, so I considered this almost standard for Comexim - and mostly asked for it to make sure / as a safety check. Luckily it's still wearable with one less row of hooks to start from, firm but not too tight, so I don't really mind.

Then with the band material, I was somewhat disappointed - as this was my most 'out of the box' alteration, but also the one I was most hoping to be done right. I wanted a firm, non-see through band, like swimsuit material instead of mesh. As they had asked for clarification; I figured that we ended up on the same page - but in hindsight I'm not sure. Perhaps this actually IS the same band as the Black Basic bra, and I just agreed to the wrong thing?

As I am happy with the bra overall I haven't contacted them yet (to ask about the band material and 3x3 hooks), but it might still be good to do so, not necessarily to complain but mostly for feedback purposes.

Fit: ****
For reference my breasts are set at medium height; quite close together, projected, tall-ish roots and generally FOT (when supported). Common sizes I wear are 70GG in Ewa Michalak, 70K in Comexim (borderline 70L, depending on alterations), mostly 32G-ish in UK brands, and 32I-ish in the US. I like my bands firm but not super tight, my cups 'compressed' rather than roomy.

All in all this bra fits me well. Yoko Plunge is true to size, has reasonable projection and depth, and does allow for some upper fullness. IRL there's almost some quad going on, but that may just be minor weight fluctuation. For me personally, a little more projection at the wire would be great, because it does slide down a bit during the day.

Comfort: ****
In general I'd consider this a comfy bra, apart from it sliding down now and then.
I'd have preferred a different/softer band material for this purpose as well.. Meshy bands tend to dig in a little more than swimsuit-material/opaque/double-layer bands? This is not (yet) a bra that you "hardly notice you're wearing at all" like my previous Yoko, but perhaps with getting it broken in a little more, that may change!

Appearance: *****
What can I say, I just L.O.V.E. this bra's design / appearance. Gold star! Ultimate Grand Supreme!
I do, however, have to admit that the fan-design on the cups is ever so slightly better done in the halfcup version. In my 3HC the pretty blue fans are spread out over the cups very elegantly and organically, where in the plunge there's some cut-offs happening, especially at the center seam. Had already noticed this in the product pictures so I did know what to expect.

Quality: *****
As my previous Yoko was worn super frequently for 4+ years before being retired, I have high hopes for this 2nd incarnation and the many adventures we will have!

The verdict:
Comexim makes pretty amazing bras overall - I still can't understand how they don't charge extra for what is essentially almost 'made to measure' service. (I might actually prefer if they did charge for alterations, 'cause then if something doesn't get done (right) there'd be more accountability / cause for complaint).

Mind that you can never be 100% sure with their alterations, don't ask for too many - and be super clear in what you agree on.

Regardless of accuracy in alterations I'm extremely happy with this bra, the size & shape work well for me (if not 100% perfect, it mostly fits as a bra should).
For a future direct order (I don't currently need new bras at all, but who knows.. a back-up Yoko, in case it ever gets discontinued O: ) I'd be curious to try and ask for 1-2 cm. extra projection at the wire.

Updated on Mar 05, 2021 Flag this

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  • 2

    Interesting to know about the fan placement for the plunge vs half cup. I’m thinking about this one.

  • 2

    Seconding what Calluna said. The fans are such a selling point, I am glad you pointed out the difference.

    It looks like a good fit, even if the alterations were not quite what you hoped. :)

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