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Bra » Scantilly » Censored (ST003100) » 36GG » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band85.0
Band Length75.0
Stretch ratio1.1
Cup width16.2
Cup depth30.4
Depth ratio1.9
Wire length34.5
Cup height16.0
Cup separation2.5
Gore height12.0
Wing height13.0
Strap width1.8
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Hasn't set fit

Since I don't see many reviews for this bra, I'll try to add a bit more detail. Overall - the concept is very pretty but the fit is quite off.
First off, the band is extremely tight. I've had other bras from both Curvy Kate and Scantily and the band have always been quite true to size, but in this case the band runs at least one size smaller if not more. It stretches very little and it's hard to stretch, I could barely put the bra on WITH an extender (although this is my correct band size). I'd probably need two band sizes higher for a comfortable fit.
The fit of the cup seems to be a standard Scantily half-cup. Above the cup there is this decorative horizontal strap, attached to the cup by three other vertical straps (none of which are detachable). This is the part of the bra that causes in my opinion the biggest fit issue. This strap is extremely tight compared to the cup depth. It's also barely stretchy, as it's just sewn from stretch satin - maybe an elastic would have been a different option. When the bra is simply lying flat, this strap has the same length as the band, but it is barely 3.5cm above the cup. This means that this strap cuts into any upper fullness. This seems to me a bit of a style fail because the half cup is designed to give cake-on-a-plate cleavage, which means it anyway creates additional upper fullness, and then this strap cuts in. I wasn't sure if this was by design, but it looks like it fits this way on the models as well. I'm curious if it fits others better.
Regarding the materials, I like the beige tulle that covers the bottom of the cup. It's just one layer but it feels sturdy and supportive, and for a light skin tone it creates the illusion that the bra is all just straps. The stretchy satin fabric also feels soft and good quality, and the gold-rose of the hardware is very pretty. The finishing however is not very carefully done, most seams have some loose threads, and on the inside even the materials are not very cleanly cut.

Black colorway

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Sep 26, 2019 Flag this

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She hasn't added any bras that fit her correctly.